[b][center]Killian[/b][/center] After finally reaching the hillside, Killian took a small rest on top and began to lay down on his stomach, looking into the forest to see if there was anything out of place. Although, as soon as he did hit the ground, he fell harder than a brick. "Damn..." he muttered as he laid flat there. Nothing pushed him, thrown him, or anything like that. He just fell like a hard lump of flesh as his face hit the dirt. He spent a lot of his energy freaking out back in the tower, and escaping, along with getting everyone out of there. Not only that... but he did skip out on his meal to ensure everyone got fed more because they were unconscious longer than he was and they needed the fluids to get stronger. Sure, maybe it wasn't the best of plans, but he had to make sure they were well before he was. Stomach pains assaulted him, but still, after a little while he was able to overcome them and sit up. He looked into the forest, and didn't see much until he could hear something. Taking out his pocket telescope, he zoomed in, and saw something moving within the forest. Tails... guns... machines, maybe? He zoomed in closer, and he could see a Commandramon platoon heading straight for him, and the Tanemon village. "Shit... ah crap, I gotta get back and warn the others that-" it was then that he saw the trees tumble over and about eight Mekanorimon following behind the platoon of Commandramon. Killian's heart dropped into his stomach as he saw that, shivers going all over his body at the realization of the destruction that they could cause to the village. His body moved before he could even think; he had to warn the others now before it was too late. They were coming a lot sooner than they had expected. "Sorry human, you're coming back with us," spoke a voice from above as something quickly grabbed Killian and lifted him into the air. Sealsdramon grinned and snorted a bit at him, before continuing. "Seems we found ya... I take it the others are back at the village since you were just running in that direction?" "I'm not telling you nothing..." spoke Killian with gritted teeth. "You don't have too. I can check there myself with my troops. Although, I am curious as to why Datamon is so interested in you humans... Digidestined? Hmph... waste of time if you ask me. We Digimon are strong as we are considering how easy it was to catch you without your partner... Speaking of which, where is that little bugger-" "Razor-Stryker!" roared Jehumon as he swiftly swung his blade towards Sealsdramon's arm, but not before he let go of Killian and easily dodged him. "Let go of my Boss, Sealsdramon!" "How'd you get here so fast?" Killian asked as he forced himself up and rubbed the spot where Sealsdramon was holding him. "I was following you, Boss, I wouldn't let you go off on your own! We're partners, after all!" "Right... right... but do you think you can take this guy, though?" "To be honest... I don't, he's a Champion, and so are most of the Digimon that are coming behind him... we need to warn the village," whispered Jehu. "I got an idea though... it's kind of... what would Catherine say at this time... 'Bullshit'? but Arista and Orion may say that it's worth a shot." "Just do it, Jehu, right now!" roared Killian as he reached into the spice compartment of his emergency supplies, and took out some chilli powder, before, throwing it towards Sealsdramon's eyes. In that moment while Sealsdramon was distracted, Jehu rammed his arm into the dirt ground, right before using his Resonance Jammer. While it was also affecting Sealsdramon to some degree and would buy them time to get to the village, Jehu was also hoping that the sound waves could travel far enough through the dirt and get to a nearby Tanemon and warn the village for them while they bought some more time. "Alright, I did all I can, Boss, now we just have to hold them at bay for as long as we...can...?" spoke Jehu as he looked back, only to see that the Commandramon were even closer, and the Mekanorimon were positioned around them as well. "Boss... we're in trouble." "Yeah... I just hope your plan worked Jehu..." spoke Killian as he swallowed heavily. ---- [b][center]The Tanemon Village... [/b][/center] Luckily for Jehu and Killian, their silly little plan wasn't as futile as they had thought a Tanemon on the outskirts of the Village who was napping underground could sense the vibrations that Jehu set off, waking it from it's slumber. The signals were clear that something dangerous was coming from the hills. Frightened, the Tanemon quickly burrowed its way out of the dirt, and ran into the village. "Everyone! Danger! Danger is coming from the hills! I don't know what it is, but I sensed something from the dirt! There's something very dangerous and bad that is on it's way here! We need to hide quickly everyone before it's too late!" cried the little shivering Tanemon as it ran into the village. The other Tanemon soon began chanting the word 'danger' as well, before shivering and scurrying to their homes, nudging the Digidestined to hide as well before whatever was coming would hurt them as well. "Please hide, humans! Whatever is coming may want to hurt you, too! Please hide!" cried another Tanemon as it quickly pressed itself against Fleur. More and more Tanemon soon followed suite in pressuring the humans to hide from whatever was coming.