In the mist of her yelling to find Haruka, Suzume's voice came to a halt. She stood there with a strange expression on her face, her knees became locked. Her hands were not so tight on her ears anymore, but she still have them covered. Staring off into the room with the noise, her eyes filled with a scared, glossed over expression that seem to make her face look a bit pale. In all of this, her mouth moved and she spoke: [i] "That's a lie. I never..." [/i] She took a step back and shook her head in denial. But whatever it was filling her head only rang louder. Soon her hands stared shaking slightly, pulsing of adrenaline. The more she heard, the more she retreated. Holding her head low, her eye began to water. But a strange thought snapped at Suzume. As if replying to the tricks being played on her, she said "It was his choice." Even though she tried to give a justifying answer to what she heard, it didn't much help. She cared too much to hurt anyone, [i] But why should I have to suffer?, [/i] she thought. [i] I did nothing wrong. [/i] A gross feeling crawled in Suzume's heart, while in her tears, she felt outraged. Backing away in painful sadness and fury, she went to her sitting spot. Then she aimlessly walking along in the garden while covering her ears. "Go Away, Haruka." [i] Go Away, Sho. [/i]