[center][b]Synopsis[/b][/center] The school is called "[i]The School of Natural Law.[/i]" It teaches people who have been chosen to success a divine or otherworldly unique entity how to behave as such an entity, and their duties and powers. It's ALSO a school to teach some humans how to act as shrine-keepers and other such important tasks. Many of the deities and supernatural entities are either benevolent, or, impartial. However, there are some entities in existence that are not so benevolent that must learn their place too. It's a wonder how the place doesn't fall apart. As a student, it's your job to try to make it through your instruction alive. [center][b]Rules[/b][/center] 1. Guild rules. Pretty straight-forward. 2. No OOC speak in the IC. (dunno why anybody would do that.) 3. Everybody must take attendance/contribute. (This one's new. It's to keep everybody active and interested. Tell me if this is a deal-breaking factor or not.) 4. When I get a Co-Gm, ya gotta listen to em, kay? 5. I will not accept deities with too similar powers. If it gets down to it, the better written one will win out, or, the one that is already there will stay. [center] That's about it for the rules. [b]Character Sheet:[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Job:[/b] (this is where you'd say: I'm a solar deity in training, or a shrine maiden, or a unique demon. You have to link me the source of where you found the job, or explain it very well. I want a reference. Correct formatting: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaterasu]Amaterasu[/url]) [b]Appearance:[/b] (you don't have to have any sort of power showing in this image.) [b]Personality:[/b] ( You don't have to fit the personality of said being. ) [b]History:[/b] (maybe an explanation of why you were chosen.) [b]Powers/Duties:[/b] (what you as a deity/entity have to do for a living, and what perks you get for being such a thing (and cons if they apply)) [center] [b]Students and their titles:[/b] [/center] 01: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60970/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1881418]Evera - Mephistopheles[/url] 02: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60970/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1888028]Advil Arry - Apep[/url] 03: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60970/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1894387]Phobetor - God of Nightmares[/url] 04: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60970/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1905342]Andrew - Asmodeus[/url] 05: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60970/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1907177]Mai Tsugami - Shrine Maiden of Tsukuyomi[/url] 06: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60970/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1909447]Taiyo Shin - Utu[/url] 07: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/60970/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1939146]Roxanne Profeta - Apollo[/url] [center] Still accepting![/center]