[b]@Everyone:[/b] Post is up. [b]MAP NOTES[/b] Unless otherwise specified, all areas have at least minor cover available. (ex: Hiding behind a vehicle in a street, a piece of debris, a pillar inside a building, etc.) Though hiding around the corners of buildings and specifically set up sand-bags and defenses, or behind mechs, is always more effective cover. Reinforcements will arrive in North and West over time. Those Reinforcements may be called back if South and East start to struggle. Failing to send them back may result in forces penetrating through those barriers. If you want to enter a building, simply say so. The interior of the building will be revealed in the next round. In the case of buildings as large as the mansion or for additional floors, a second level map will be made. There are windows you can attempt to get through on the sides of buildings lacking a doorway, though this leaves you vulnerable for a few seconds. [b]@Retrieval:[/b] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/X2lDiOu.jpg[/img] You can land anywhere in that area. Note that if you land atop the roof of the mansion, I'll place you on the fourth floor instead. Just mention if you're landing in the south, east, west, or north sides.[/hider] [b]@U-ARM WEST:[/b] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/PqJc033.jpg[/img] C. Marie = Colonel Marie Black. S. Morai = Sergeant Morai Lee. MTN-1 & MTN-2 = Machinegun Turret Nest 1 & 2. They also have very heavy piercing explosives--rockets, essentially, that can pierce targets. They're very heavy defenses. L1, L2, L3, etc = Lookouts. They're armed specifically with light munitions and a multitude of detection tools. You can tell them to move up or fall back, but while on the move they are virtually blind, and no reinforcements will include lookouts. Ergo if they die and their equipment is out of reach for you, you just lost visibility. The Corner Store contains additional supplies that will be run out to you by men inside if you run low on ammunition. You have one round to freely deploy yourselves and issue orders.[/hider] [b]@Shadow Zone Wing:[/b] [hider=Map][img]http://i.imgur.com/cSxQv7E.jpg[/img] S. Carolyn = Specialist Carolyn Antoinette. Abimael = Abimael. MTN-1 & MTN-2 = Machinegun Turret Nest 1 & 2. They also have very heavy piercing explosives--rockets, essentially, that can pierce targets. They're very heavy defenses. L1, L2, L3, etc = Lookouts. They're armed specifically with light munitions and a multitude of detection tools. You can tell them to move up or fall back, but while on the move they are virtually blind, and no reinforcements will include lookouts. Ergo if they die and their equipment is out of reach for you, you just lost visibility. The Corner Store contains additional supplies that will be run out to you by men inside if you run low on ammunition. You have one round to freely deploy yourselves and issue orders.[/hider] [b]@BOROV:[/b] Y U CLONE WEST AND NORTH MAPS. Answer: Because I'm a very busy man and if I can reuse the same resources to equal effect you bet your ass I will. If you have any questions, feel free to mention them. Before you do something in a Darwinist fashion, preferable.