>File Access >Security Level 5 Access Granted >Full File Access Granted >Welcome, Admiral [hider= Picture] [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/208/9/1/gives_you_hell_by_katiexxderek-d41vqi1.png] [/hider] [hider=Basic Information] Name: Chief Warrant Officer 5 Milo "Music Man" Cash Full Name: Milo Cash Gender: Male Date of Birth: 09/16/2520 Place of Birth: Biko (Glassed 2525) Age: 30 Height: 6'1" Weight: 155 lbs Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Steel Blue Blood Type: AB [/hider] [hider=Service Jacket] Previous Assignment: Drop Squad Second Coming: A team normally not used in combat more control teams, [/hider] [hider=Personal Information] Marital Partner: N/A Biological Father: Terrance "Magic Man" Cas, would be 52 (KIA) Biological Mother: Tiffany Cash, would be 54 (KIA) Biological Siblings: Megan Cash, 32, Civilian [alive] Biological Children: N/A Personality: Laid Back, informal, talkative, flexible, normally hard to piss off (has those times), Only works hard when theres a goal otherwise relaxed. Biography: Born a farmer only knowing his father for 4 years. Growing up he learned quickly what was going on, but instead of instilling fear it instilled a sense of duty. Training every day until the minimum age of enlistment (Are we going with 18?). Showing what he had in the academy worked well as it then got him pushed into Warrant Officer College. Here he went through the tech work he now uses, and where he rigged his special piece of check-up ware used on the vehicles. Coming right out of the box as a W-2 (No W-1 for some reason so) he began work with an ODST squad called Second Coming, commonly used as Peace Corps. Progressing through the ranks working with the Second Coming's, Milo eventually was given one mission going to planet Terma to settle riots, these weren't riots though these were instead Jiralhane who people heard about and began rioting, looting, and forming Militia's. After drop though nothing ended as planned as the Brutes took the team as prisoners. Here Milo sat for 3 days watching the others get cooked and eaten, eventually becoming one of the last remaining men. The five men managed to escape, though all mentally broken. Surviving for 2 weeks before they were rescued the remaining pieces of the team were given the chance to leave due to not being mentally fit for battle. Milo's father even emerging for the first time since his birth to encourage him to leave, instead of taking this Milo asked to be moved to a different unit. Now part of Ghost Squad. Nearly a year after re-assignment Milo was invited to Megan's wedding, getting temporary leave he went down to the ceremony carrying a single pistol. As the ceremony was going on the city was attacked and the marriage inevitably ruined. The procession halted and Milo entered defensive mode. Weaving in and out of the crowd that was filled with panic and terror, the wedding group worked its way through the city to one of the evac points. Filing those who remained of the wedding on board and helping more on with the units on site, Milo noticed something out of place his Father and Mother weren't there. Abandoning his un-assigned post Milo checked the area around the evac point trying to find the remainder of his family only to find them fighting a Sangheli, his dad managing to put up his own against the beast. Coming in to try and help Milo fired the last shot in the pistol, missing the Sangheli and hitting his dad leading to his death shortly after. Realizing his mistake Milo charged trying to lock in melee, instead of locking in as he hoped the Sangheli instead threw him into a window breaking the glass, leaving the poor 54 year old woman Milo and Megan both called Mom open for death. The elite came to finish Milo only for a Spartan team to come through on their way to defend the evac point. On the refugee ship Megan got married, and on the planet Terrance and Tiffany Cash were glassed, and on the Wayward Wanderer Milo got his last promotion. [/hider] [hider=Timeline of historical events] 2520- Milo Cash was born 2524- Father enlisted 2525- Biko is glasse; Milo and family become refugees 2538- Milo Cash enlists 2540- Milo Begins Warrant Officer College 2542- Begins service in Second Coming 2543- Promotion to Chief Warrant Officer 3 2547- Promotion to Chief Warrant Officer 4 2548- "Operation: Stand Down" on Terma; Jiralhane capture, escape, and rescue; Father Meeting; Re-assignment to Ghost Squad 2549- Father and Mothers death; Sister's marriage; Promotion to Chief Warrant Officer 5 2550- Present Day [/hider] [hider=Field Equipment] Primary weapon: M90A Shotgun Secondary weapon: 2 M6C/SOCOM Pistols Specialized Equipment: Advanced Optics, HUD for when connected to a vehicle to know how it is (AKA Team Driver if we ever drive) Additional Items: Jiralhane Chef Knife (Brute Chef Knife), Picture of his family, personal picture of his sister, Picture of Drop Squad Second Coming [/hider] [hider=Additional Notes] Has a tendency to begin singing part of where he got his name "Music Man", Mention of his sister in any negative connotation sets him off, Scars around his body from brutes, PTSD with brutes, Lastly don't question the knife. [/hider] >File End