[quote=Kestrel]Feminism as activism in an RP would be a niche, but activism in general would be as much as fantasy is. Unless non-violence is a niche, then sure, but simply removing violence from a lot of RP's would make them viable playgrounds for activism because it is a method to bring change. How is something this broad possibly a niche?[/quote] It is entirely possible that Third-wave feminism just put a bad enough taste in my mouth for the term 'activism' that I can't really get past the whole "Men are scum", "Games are sexist", "Let's prove our point by pulling a fire alarm", "I was asked out for coffee in an elevator! Harassment!" or "Peta hates animal abuse... Except when it's our animals, and our medication!" issues. Essentially, I think there may have been a misunderstanding and it should be clarified. If you're talking honest/sincere activists, those who actually care for the cause they're speaking about and taking honest and sincere means to accomplish it. That can be a great RP, I wouldn't argue that at all. As long as you remember about stuff like character development and don't solely focus on the activism in question. If you're talking about the double standard activism that usually reduces to "I'm a victim! Look at me! Here's my paypal account", then I only see it attracting a niche audience. But in both cases, if activism is in the RP make it related to the story. Don't have it only be a way to drag players/characters away from the RP Plot. [quote=Kestrel]Furthermore. Your avatar as in [s]fedora[/s] trilby.[/quote] It ain't a Fedora :P [quote=Kestrel]Twice is recurring, it's not so much discussing the topic as it's referencing for the sake of explanation[/quote] So this can be interpreted one of two ways, either me disagreeing with you is being narrow minded. If so, I point you to my earlier post. Me disagreeing with you is not grounds for being narrow minded. In fact, I'd say it's narrow minded to assume others are narrow minded simply for not sharing your opinion. If it's the Trilby? It's a hat... Should I go visit you in person and then judge you and your personality based on your wardrobe? [quote=Kestrel]and yes, you're the victim here :/[/quote] I never said I was? :/