I like the general plan, but I think a slight amendment (or maybe clarification if you already intended this but didn't clearly outline it) to the ground group side of the plan would be good. They ought to not just hold a defensive line, they should go ahead and look through and clear the first floor and make sure to keep an eye on any ways down from the higher floors. Eve could always be hanging out on the first floor, as could various baddies who might've gotten there before us, and we need to make sure we know all the routes in and out of the place so nothing surprises us. Just keeping the ground team hanging out outside would be rather foolish, I think. I think having a third for the higher floor scouting is alright, but after we actually find her and start talking to her we may want to have that person head down if shit's going crazy with stuff slipping through the battle lines. Roman would be a good pick since his gun's scope has Infrared mode on it, so that's helpful for finding stuff hiding in the building.