[b]Malastare[/b] Alexio returned to the ship, unclasping his cape. "Alright everyone," He announced on the comm of his omni-tool. He hung the garment on a random pipe protruding from the nightingale's interior, heading toward the bridge. "We're blastin off of this rock and headin to our next gig." Wrrlevge and Zaygrah waited for him in their respective stations in the cockpit. "Next gig huh?" The zabrak scoffed. "Where's the volus taking us this time?" "Its not his call." Alexio whistled as he passed her. "I'm callin the play on this one." Wrrelvge and Zaygrah both glanced at each other in surprise. "Okay, where are [i]you[/i] taking us, Captain?" Alexio liked that there wasn't a hint of sarcasm in the zabrak's tone. He relished the moment before continuing. "Just plot a course for Mid Rim; Vondarc system."