[quote=Kalas] Well, in terms of lore, I suggest that we should stick to the racial histories and relationships i.e. Charr vs Humans, Asura being driven up to the surface, The Norn being racially discriminated by Humans etc, etc.But I guess we could start with a different dragon if you wanted to go down the dragon-fighting route? Jormag has always been one I've wanted to see more of, or Kralkatorrik. After nearly being killed by Destiny's Edge/Glint, it'd be cool to finish off the job. The group could be like a new Destiny's Edge or something?Also, I reckon I could help out if you want a Co-GM. I'm pretty knowledgeable on most things Guild Wars. Add me: KalasDelRio.8921 if you need to contact me whilst in-game. [/quote] I will definitely come find you. as for the dragon, I know very little about this sort of thing because I'm still in my 20s and working on my personal story. But I agree with the racial histories. I would just need help with a few other details. I would be able to grasp it pretty easily, I just need to hear it from somewhere. [quote=Subtle Shift In Emphasis] The day is saved! My back-up plan was to quietly ask about Quaggans, so you playing a Norn is almost certainly for the best. [/quote] Lol Quaggans are cool too. If we end up doing the dragon thing, it would be awesome if someone played the dragon too. I usually like to play the bad guys, but, on this one, I think I'll have to pass.