[center][img=http://s22.postimg.org/jtr04y1ht/War_Pulse_Word_Art.png][/center] Almost as soon as War-Pulse made his comment, the group was joined by two new metahumans, or at least humans in superhuman armors. It did not take them long to survey the situation and even less time to come up with a plan. War-Pulse raised a brow at the suggestion, however, just shoot the portal with energy until it overloads? It could not be that easy, could it? However, this momentary inkling of doubt was overridden by the much more awesome suggestion that he was about to shoot a portal to hell with energy. This whole situation just got more and more interesting for the mercenary, a real flexing of how powerful he could really be in times of crisis. Up until now it had just been no-name thugs and soldiers, scumbags and criminals that he dealt with. He could kill most people of that caliber with his pinky finger. This had been different, this was a significant challenge to his powers, for the first time in his life he felt like he was actually using his powers more intently than ever before, and right now it was just giving him an opportunity to go absolutely full-throttle. And he would certainly give that limit a run for its money. "Well, alright then! Let's light 'em up!" War-Pulse exclaimed, planting his feet down near Icon and extending his arms. His hands began to glow and surge with power, before long they were alight with energy before in a deafening burst came a surge of energy, rocketing into the portal with thunderous impact. Of course, like Icon, the portal just seemed to be absorbing it, barely affected by the combined efforts of the metahumans. Undaunted, War-Pulse just angrily poured more energy into the portal, the beams from his hands expanding and increasing in mass and size, his feet actually having trouble staying planted as he fired away. "If this doesn't work, what's plan B?" War-Pulse shouted to Icon. "Because it's starting to look like we're going to need a plan B!"