Class was as dull as normal, with first period was history, something Jason listened to and took notes on for the most part, but occasionally fell asleep. Today was one of the sleep days. When the bell rung for first period to end, he shot awake and looked around before grabbing his stuff and nodding to Angelo on his way out. He had P.E. second, then back with Angelo for math in third, then he went to practice guitar in fourth before lunch. He went through the routines, most definitely falling asleep in math even though he was vaguely sure that Angelo had tried to wake him. When he left for his guitar class, he was wide awake and ready to go, fourth period being his favorite class of all. Of course, it never lasted long enough and soon enough, the lunch bell rang and Jason met Angelo in the halls, following him up to the roof. "You know, maybe I should just spend fourth period up there. We're allowed to practice where ever during class."