[quote=Xan the G] I didn't say date either. Just the word romance. I didn't mean anything to come of it more than an appreciation of kindred spirits. It's not as if Xero would function in flirting anyway.I am eager to post but I am feeling a little overwhelmed by the posts thus far. They all cover so much and the timing of certain things is difficult to pick up on and register. [b]I was going to do a less pro-active and more reactive post of Xero finding Mr Ziggy and returning him with discretion to Kenpachi Ueru... but I can't even tell if that is possible.[/b] I won't even pretend I've read all the posts, but they all are starting their own plot points in someway shape or form and I can already see myself forgetting and missing some as I post. [/quote] [quote=MysT3CH] Srry havent been on skype much lately. Anyways, stamp 3 Xan, so he's in. Also, you could find Mr.Ziggy, and return him, [b]however, we'd have to collab that.[/b] As Mr. Ziggy literally has a mind of his own. [/quote] So yeah, even by your own words interaction with GM characters outside of being a part of the tournament still needed collaboration so... I'm not sure how that could be interpreted as complete RP freedom.