[hider=Red] [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/redhead-child-outdoors-12160927.jpg] [b]Full Name:[/b] Ari Glitterskip (She prefers to go by the nickname Red ) [b]Age:[/b] 112 (looks 8) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Fae [b]Most used Elemental Power:[/b] Ari controls the element of fire. She's able to conjure small embers of flame within her throat, but prefers to rely on manipulation over conjuring it on her own. As such, she's rarely seen without a zippo lighter in both hands. Her true talent lies in said manipulation. She has the ability to shape the flame into anything that she desires. Think of the flame like a balloon to be shaped into any animal or shape that may please her or the crowd more. Inklings of blackness will always be present in her flames. Drawback to her time spent at the carnival. [b]Wing Development:[/b] Initially Ari's wings were a clear, translucent film, akin to that of a dragonfly. As she aged, her ability to control fire increased. Ruby red hue began to fill the entirety of wings, matched in color only by the flaming color of her own hair. The tips have only recently showed signs of a murky black. Black not being clear as night, but rather rough and chalky like coal. Wings themselves would feel soft and smooth to touch. Much of their coarseness that came prior to her coloring has disappeared. Her wing size is relatively average for a Faerie, if not a little smaller. Tips only reach an inch farther in length than her shoulders. This makes them fairly easy to conceal at the carnival, should she choose to do so. [b]Wing Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/048/3/c/posie_fairy_wings_in_red_by_glittrrgrrl-d2j934i.jpg] [b]Significant/Special Belongings:[/b] Ari's key belongings are a trio of dolls/stuffed animals, each with a name and back story all their own. [i]Chauncey Von Sniffles:[/i] Chauncey is the first ever were-cat. By day he is a rich noble aristocrat who is campaigning for leader of the realm of earth. He is sophisticated, intelligent and often times quite snobby. By night he sifts into a large black cat with a spots dotting his skin like a checkerboard. In were-cat form he becomes feral, brutish and a true hunter. In reality, Chauncey is two separate stuffed animals, one of anthropomorphic cat person and one of a top hat wearing male. [i]Pummy the Pumpkin Witch:[/i] Pummy is dressed in the usual garb of a witch. Long flowing black robes, pointed black hat and leather boots. She's the first ever witch to not need a wand or staff to cast spells. Instead she uses small pumpkins. Using them as bombs over even growing them to use as a makeshift broom. She has a penchant with ending every sentence with 'Pummy says'. In reality, Pummy is a ceramic doll with various Halloween decorations that Ari gathered on a trip to earth. [b]Fighting Skills/Techniques:[/b] Ari's fighting skills aren't really skills per say. Given her unwillingness to kill another, fighting has always been seen as rather pointless. If pushed to it, she would utilize two modes of defending herself. One being her elemental powers. Flames would be used in defensive measures such as flamed walls or casting a ring of fire around her. Both meant to keep others safely outside. The other technique would be the use of her various gags or traps. Given prep time, she could set up the area with traps ranging from the mostly harmless, hidden banana peels. To the more dangerous, large jack in boxes that when triggered, will hit the victim in the face with a large boxing glove. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] N/A [b]Job Title & Description:[/b] Fire Eating/dancing Ari puts her elemental prowess to good use. Her performances are often broken down into three stages. First stage being the introductory fire eating, where she will extinguish flamed torches with her mouth. The ignition of cigarettes or other torches is also part of stage one. Stage two is brief fire themed dance where she twirls flames around her in a rapid fashion. Actual dancing on her part is rare as it's more the feat of danger that draws crowds. Stage three ends the show with a bang as she will bellow out a large plum of flame from her mouth. Pretending that she's a dragon. The ending is the most liked by children at the carnival. [b]Number of Souls You Have to Collect:[/b] 500 [b]Number of Years You Have to Collect Souls:[/b] 10 years [b]What Was Your Wish?:[/b] To play the greatest practical joke in the history of practical jokes. What this joke was seems to be a mystery to even Ari as her story of the day changes every time she's asked. [b]How Many Souls Have You Collected?:[/b] 51 [b]How Long Have You Been at the Carnival?:[/b] One year in precisely two days time [b]How the Collection of Souls has Affected Your Character?: [/b] Soul collection has only enhanced the more manipulative side of her personality. This shift has caused her elemental magic to take on a slightly tainted appearance. Flames have tinges of black to them as illustrated by her wing coloring. [b]Personality:[/b] On the outside, Ari seems like a sweet and innocent girl. She has a love for playing games, eating as many sweet filled candies as she can and playing pretend. It's not out of the ordinary to see her playing tea party with her dolls or even other carnival members, if she can convince them. Her love of sugar can also make her irrationally hyperactive, much to the annoyance of many around her. Playing pranks or tricks on people is her favorite activity in the world. At times the pranks can be a tad mean, but she does everything in name of fun. Fun is really the underlying characteristic of her personality and it shows in everything she does. Underneath her sugary sweet exterior lies a more mischievous, cunning and often times manipulative persona. When she gets an idea for a good prank, she will stop at nothing to see it through. Planning the prank out like it's a bank heist with graphs and full step by step instructions. On the outside her actions seem rather random, but more often then not they are quite calculated. [b]Biography & How You Came to be a Member of The Carnival?:[/b] (Going to answer this part IC) “They called him the wish master or at least that's what all my friends called him. I always found that such a bland and dumb name. Wish master? It made him seem like one of those dime store antique people you found in Elmis. Grant your wish for ten gold deary? Deary my left wing! The only thing those people were granted me was a lighter coin purse. I have gag gifts, candy and so many other things to buy. Those things can actually give me what I want. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes! The wish master. Ok so my friends were all abuzz about this top hat wearing guy who could grant wishes. Now knowing the prestigious Chauncey Von Sniffles I knew that people with top hats were always charming. You could never really trust charming people, but only talking to boring and non charming people was so so well boring. Naturally, the top hat instantly sold the deal for me. I was going to talk to this guy. Say he needed a new name then get him to grant my wish. Simple right? Friends warned me that his deals always took something from you. Oh so scary right? It was a deal so you had to lose something, plus I don't play by the rules. The rules play by me or something like that. It made sense in my head. I know what you thinking, what did you wish for? What did you lose in the deal? Well that ruins the excitement doesn't it? There's no surprise twist ending if you already know how it starts. The best stories are the ones where no one has any idea what's happening. Information just comes at you so fast an heavy that you don't even know why that troll is wearing a suit or why it even suddenly just blew up. Since you were good, I pulled the greatest prank ever and pretty sure I lost my soul or something. Haha! You totally didn't see that coming. All I know is that the carnival is one of the coolest places to be. I get to play tricks on people all of the time. How could life be any better then that? All these other people are all worried about getting out of their contract and stuff. I'm thinking about just moving on in. Maybe my next wish will to be a full fledged angel or something. On second thought, angels are pretty lame. I prefer being like a [i]sugary poison[/i].” [/hider] [hider=chart] Mr. Reficul Seil ☺ “Wishmaster, fishmaster. What is there to say about this guy? Well for one he dresses pretty good. Have you seen his top hat? Now that's what I call fashion! He's kind of boring though. I pulled one prank on him and he just stared blankly at me for a few minutes. To top it off, he turned me into a butterfly. The actual insect! For a whole week! Let me tell you, having to escape the clutches of hungry birds is no easy task. On second thought, turning me into a insect is pretty funny. Ok, maybe he's a pretty ok guy.” Rosaline Bell Seil ☺ “On one hand she's like a fairy godmother. On the other hand she's like a fairy godmother. They can be so annoyingly affectionate to everyone. Always with the nice behavior and never with the jokes. Our relationship is like a kid with a parent. We like each other for the most part, but we butt heads a lot. It would be better if she wasn't an angel. Angels kind of bother me.” Andracos Soleviel ◑ “This guy is what we fae like to call a Tinkerbell. He's all about the lady folk. Always putting on some spiel to them about how they are beautiful or some such. You are a visage of pure beauty my queen. Lame right? That's what I think to. It's why I don't really talk to him much. I do have a plan for the super duperest prank one day.” Pachid Coyotas ◑ “He sleeps like he's dead. I'm not even kidding with that. He has to spend more time sleeping then he does anything else. I don't have really have many thoughts on him because of this. He hangs out with that tinkerbell though so that's total minus points right there.” Ty ◑ “Another one of those 'I'm going to hold my emotions in' types. Why would you want to hold them in? Emotions are meant to be experienced! People like this don't really make sense to me. If I can't get a reaction out of you from one of my pranks then your pretty boring to me. I don't hate her or anything though.” Crow ☺ “This one is so much fun to play with. I once replaced one of her birds with a fake one that spoke. She got so so angry! I thought she was going to rip my head off and drink my blood or something. It made for a pretty fun filled day! I really like visiting her animals tent. I kind of have a soft spot for animals. Sometimes I visit when she's not around or when she's sleeping.” Arina Lécuyer ☺☺ “A fun little lady to play around with. She seems to like to have fun like I do. She's more into the whole mind game thing then me. I don't really mind as long as it's funny. Seeing guys droll and do whatever she says is pretty funny to see. It takes some doing, but she's one of the few people that I can convince to help out on my pranks. Super bonus points for that.” Soren Novák ☠ “So full of himself. I really think that if he could, he'd wedge his face between his two butt cheeks. Not even kidding right now. This guy would likely have passionate love with a mirror if he could. He's kind of charming I guess, but I'm not really into that sort of thing. There's no attraction for me if I'm not having fun so yea, no.” Reira Masin ☺ “If it weren't for Rascal they might be the dumbest in the carnival. That's not really a bad thing either since I like Rascal to. Since she's a human and new, I try to go a little easy on her. Still, she seems pretty ok to me so far.” Celleci ◑ “She's kind of a lot like Rosie. There can only be one fairy godmother to this fae though so tough break for her I guess. I don't have any hard feelings for them or anything. I just find the attitude of angels to be kind of annoying. They are like the polar opposites of Soren. Being too nice is just as bad as being in love with yourself. I don't know. She's really not that bad. Angels are just lame.” Calista Luinaree ◑ “They are a tough nut to crack! I've tried not once, not twice, but five times to catch her slipping up. Fake chocolate boxes from secret admirers, faulty chair legs and even the vaunted jack in the box trap. None of them work! She seems to see right through it every single time. It's just incredible. The most unprankable person in this carnival. For that reason, I'm only on ok terms with her.” [/hider]