Lillith was stunned momentarily by his slurred insult. She should have expected such a low blow, but it never ceased to shock her when someone chose to hate on her sexuality. Lillith was stunned so much, in fact, that Cooper had managed to wedge his stupid ass between her and this stranger who knew her name… and supposedly quite a few other things about her. In another circumstance, she might have found Cooper’s actions somewhat sweet, albeit dumb… but not this time. He was simply in the way of her target. At first, she was only mildly suspicious of this guy. She had thought he was just some asshole looking to score some free merch, or maybe trying to play a rotten game of grab-ass with her. At first, her accusation of him did feel completely sound, now she felt that it had a better footing. She could read the lie in his face when he spoke of an alibi. Like hell he had one, not one that was the truth, that’s for sure. Anger rose up from her toes all the way to the tips of her neon hair. It was almost as if her vision had taken on a reddish hue, her eyes narrowing at her target. Dyke? He’d pay for that, she wasn’t some push-over like he seemed to think. “Get out of the way, sweetie.” She said to Cooper in a voice that sounded completely feral. With Reed’s hand at his throat, Coop had found himself incapable of obeying her command, whether or not he would have anyway. Without waiting a second more, she plunged forward with every pound of weight she carried on her regretfully skinny frame. Lillith didn’t bother trying to land a square punch anywhere in particular; she simply targeted as much force as she could into Reed’s stomach, tackling the three of them down to the floor together. They landed with a ferocious thud, but it wasn’t enough to knock her out of her path of terror. She made an attempt to rake her fingernails across his face, frenzied and animalistic. Her mouth was open, spilling out somewhat incoherent phrases laced with crude obscenities. Things like “Homophobic fuck” and “That’s why you did that to her, huh?” and “How did you find out?!” could be deciphered from the flurry of words. The thumping and yelling going on could have been heard from the street outside, let alone by anyone nearby in the house.