Magnus grinned when he said that, "Well now, I suppose you will just have to wait and see, won't you? Let me just will be big, mass chaos, destruction, the whole nine yards..."He told him, chuckling evilly. All in due time, he thought to himself. "Why hello, Alice. Enjoy your nap?" Magnus told Alice as she entered the room. He could tell she was un-happy with the display of the man getting drug away. "Don't worry Alice, it's all for training, for both my needs and for their own good. I didn't have anyone train me, my power was a slow crawl from nothingness. So, Making it easier for everyone else seems a viable option." While, it is true the training would help them in so to say, he could give a damn less. All he cared for is if they were ready for war. He sighed as he walked over and sat down in a chair in the corner near the two of them. "And at this rate, they won't last long at all by themselves."