Name: Riot Age: 5, though he appears to be more like 15 Gender: Male Job: Suppliant of [url=]Hypnos[/url] Appearance: [hider=Image][img][/img][/hider] Riot's skin is made of a spongy resin, as clearly visible. While human in shape, his hands and feet mark him as something else. Plus, there's always that repulsive tail poking out of his lower back. The tail is part of an organism that is symbiotic to Riot's being, a vile worm that remains hidden behind Riot's resin face. The mask will split in half vertically and slide sideways to let the Lindwurm out. The blues he wears are the colors of Hypnos, and worn to honor him. Personality: Unexpectedly for a being created to be a one-monster army, Riot is a pretty cool guy. He is outgoing, headstrong, sarcastic, excitable, and mischievous, much like an average teenage boy. When put under duress, his more monstrous side begins to show, and he becomes sporadic, loopy, and even sadistic. Even normally he takes a certain delight in surprising and scaring people. He does have a proclivity for servitude, but since Hypnos is currently candidate for that role, this isn't a factor. Ever since receiving [hider=History]Riot was first created by the demon Gilead, on the eve of his day of conquest. Gilead, though wizened by age, hosted lofty ambitions and desired an army to call his own with which he could terrorize the chilly Slavic countryside. After months of stealing, trading for, and otherwise gathering magic materials, however, Gilead had only enough mana to summon one monster and imbue one construct with life. Unwilling to let his efforts go to waste, he resorted to extreme measures. After heating jinxed pine resin over a fire, he molded it into human shape and performed a Dual Ritual—a highly advanced and unstable rite in which two arcane powers are invoked simultaneously. A crimson fire sprang to life from Gilead's red chalk, and a dark glyph circled in the air. Hope shone from Gilead's slitted, yellow eyes as the glyph became a gate and belched forth a tide of chaotic essentia. From the portal slithered the Lindwurm, an abyssal monster that could replicate itself infinitely. Too awed to react, Gilead didn't move as the creature opened wide its monstrous jaws and devoured him whole, exacting payment for the magic. As the Lindwurm attempted to leave the summoning circle, however, it was drawn into the resin mannikin by an unseen force and forced into its body. The consciousness of Riot came into being then, a melding of monstrosity and human child. For a long time, Riot searched. He wandered the barrens of Europe and, spurned by people, found solace in his abilities. From the beast within him Riot retained the ability to create copies of himself, and it was this ability that attracted the attention of the god of nightmares, Phobetor. On an mission for his father, Hypnos, Phobetor noticed Riot reclining by a river and decided to amuse himself by giving the monster nightmares. When Phobetor probed Riot's mind, however, the sleepless Lindwurm reacted violently, jolting its partner into wrathful wakefulness. God and monster fought briefly, with Phobetor morphing into various beasts and Riot defeating each one with the Lindwurm's power. After several minutes, Phobetor -realizing that he couldn't harm his foe- attempted to flee in a puff of smoke, but unbeknownst to him Riot entered it as well. He found himself in Erebus, the underworld, in the presence of both Phobetor's brothers and father. Rather than smiting him, Hypnos was impressed that a simple monster had managed to defeat an Oneroi, and decided to give him a test. After giving Riot his blessing, Hypnos decreed that if Riot was able to survive a year at the School for Deities, he would take Riot into his service. Eager to serve, Riot agreed.[/hider] Powers/Duties: Since his inception, Riot has been able to create images of himself to stand, work, or fight by his side. This is an instantaneous and mental feat; he simply has to think it, and a clone will appear. These copies are no stronger than he, and the more he has, the more strained his telepathic link is and the less complicated things they all can do. He can also release the Lindwurm from inside him, or allow it to poke out briefly to strike. Being essentially two parts of the same being, both resin statue and abyssal monster act as one, even when not touching. As the Suppliant of Hypnos, Riot has gained a few new abilities. By yawning, he creates an intense drowsiness in those around him, and by holding in the yawn he can put himself to sleep instantly. When under the effect of this magical slumber, he quickly heals any damage done to him. He has received basic training from Hypnos in a discipline called Soporific Palms. After imbuing his palms with gray mist, Riot's strikes cause the victim to become more tired, effectively making him able to incapacitate foes without actually harming them.