The story will take place in a modern fantasy setting. New characters will all be those that have recently been chosen for some unknown reason. These characters are cursed at the start of their story to continue to be reincarnated as they work together to track down information related to this. Appearances may alter from each life. The sex of a character may change with each reincarnation, but the gender will not. In other words, the soul of the character might identify differently than the body they are placed in. Some benefits are going to be based on a luck factor. Nearly everything is going to be based off chance. The GMs will flip a coin, or do something, to decide the outcome of certain luck-based events. Death and anything resulting in death will more or less be based on actual choices. Most of the elements of this rp are to be a mystery, and will be learned as the characters unravel it. That is the reason the description is minimal. [hider=Rules] You may already know most of these, but I'm putting them here as a way of enforcing. - I will be running this rp with Co-GM (RyuHll). Not really a rule. - Absolutely no controlling anyone's characters. This goes for the NPCs that they create as well. If you want permission to control a character, or to request something of that character, then please message the player and ask them first. - No calling hits on any characters in the event of a fight. This goes with the first rule. Please try to phrase it in a way so as to give players a chance to accept the damage, or to avoid it. - There will be a turn order for posts. If someone is unable to post, we will pause to give them a chance to catch up. We will wait up to 2-3 days for someone to post if they suddenly stop posting. Unexpected things happen. After that, we will continue. We will not hold the game on pause for any longer than that unless someone goes on vacation. At that point, we will allow up to a week before we continue without you. If you know you won't be able to post, please let us know in advance. Maybe we can work out something in the story to explain the absence of a character so that the rest may continue posting until the player returns. - Have something you want to contribute to the story as a whole, or a side plot for your character or set of characters? Message RyuHll or myself. We're all for this as long as you run it by us, and can find some way to fit it into the story. We want everyone to enjoy this and not feel limited because we're the GMs of this. - The rp may have time skips to allot for character deaths, and characters attempting to reunite.[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Nicknames/Aliases: Gender: Age: Appearance: (Picture/Description) Personality: Skills: History: Other:[/hider] [hider=Lord Pie - Teres]Name: Teres Wratherton Nicknames/Aliases: Wrath Gender: Female Age: 23 Appearance: Teres is 5’9, slightly taller than most women, though definitely not the tallest. She has a light frame and a somewhat athletic build, but more recently has gained a little weight adding curves to her physique due to her relatively lazy lifestyle. She has a naturally lighter skin tone than the average person, which combined with the fact she now spends most of her time indoors has resulted in a slightly pale appearance. She keeps her light blonde hair long, it naturally being slightly curly and often ending up a tangled mess. She often ties it back or up, especially when doing something more active (not a regular occurrence as of late). She is quite protective of her hair, having grown it long for the first time in many years – and she plans to keep it that way. Teres wears an assortment of clothes, strongly favouring hooded tops and other jackets with hoods – an old habit of hers that is hard to shake. She wears jeans or other practical leg-wear as opposed to dresses or blouses – aside from the rare special occasion. Personality: Generally speaking Teres has quite a fiery and independent personality, but is friendly and happy the majority of the time. Unwanted talk of her personal life (or unwanted topics of conversation in general) drives her to become aggressive and bitter, her personality making an almost complete shift from her usual carefree demeanour to one of an short tempered and angry disposition. She is articulate and very smart, but wastes her intelligence somewhat as she generally fails to commit herself to any particular course of action for any sufficient period of time. Teres may seem to make friends easily, however the truth is she has no real friends – failing to make any meaningful relationships that go deeper than surface superficial levels, this was not always the case. She generally ignores problems for as long as she can before dealing with them. Occasionally she can become depressed and very melancholy about her situation, despite the fact there are very few ‘real’ problems that face her. Skills: In terms of realistic life skills that she could use to contribute to society, it could be said that she has none. Alternatively it could also be said that she has a great many skills. She often loses interest in any skill she pursues after a few weeks, though will occasionally revisit these skills at a later date, this has led to a very varied however slightly shallow skillset. Her most noteworthy skill would be her ‘social skills’, having the ability to portray herself however she wants, though others would call it a proficiency in lies and misinformation. The only others worth mentioning would be her proficiency with technology, having spent much of her time using computers of all kinds as well as a brief job as a skilled technician (however she was soon let go after her employers realised that she had bluffed her way through the interview process and first few weeks at the role with none of the actual required qualifications). This was possible as she has also gained a fair amount of skill at forging all kinds of documents and qualifications, which has previously landed her in a spot of trouble. Aside from these she has also managed to stick with the violin, now after many years being able to play a few short pieces here and there. History: Teres had a mostly normal childhood, living with both parents until her eighth birthday when they divorced and she moved to live with her mother, seeing her father on only rare occasions. This however didn’t affect her much, and she still continued to have a ‘normal’ life, this was until her teenage years. She felt out with her mother due to her performance at school dropping dramatically as she became much more interested in spending time with her friends. After her exams were completed she left her mother’s house and moved to live with her father, leaving the relationship with her mother in tatters. She soon came to realise that she had had it easy with her mother, being allowed to do pretty much whatever she wanted. Her father was much more of a disciplinarian who tried to get her to sort her life out – it was during this period that she attempted employment several times, however each job either fired her or she stopped turning up. This resulted in another massive blowout, this time with her father which caused her to leave home for good. She now lives on her own, surviving through money made as both a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ and also several more questionable sources (generally scams involving wealthy men, or on occasion a little illegal work through her ‘friends’). Other: Smokes, drinks, does pretty much whatever she wants with little regards to long term consequences.[/hider] [hider=Tiger - Net] Name: Clarinet Melody Mozart Nicknames/Aliases: Net Gender: Female Age: 20 Appearance: [url=]image[/url] Personality: Lover of all things lacy and lovely, Clarinet is a lot of a girly girl. She adores anything cute, and anything pretty. She's a dreamer, and a romantic, and a little bit spoiled. Perhaps because of her name, Clarinet adores music and dance. She'll pause in the street to listen to people busking, and will sing or dance with children at the drop of a hat. A little flighty, and easily distracted, Clarinet is often likened to a small, beautiful, slightly annoying, but pleasant to listen to bird. Skills: Clarinet is skilled at blowing sour notes on her namesake, and pulling sweet ones from strings. While blowing is not in her talents, her long slender fingers are perfect for almost any stringed instrument, bowed or plucked, and she is very quick to pick up on most of them. Her favorite is the harp, and the most practical is the guitar. Socially, Clarinet excels. She can make a new friend anywhere she goes, and pull genuine smiles from even the Grinch, before his heart grew. Net has a talent for dealing with masses of small children without feeling an urge to strangle them. Net can knit. History: Clarinet is the only daughter of a wealthy business man and a hippy mother. Both in stature and in practice. Her father was away on business when her mother was rushed into the hospital to go into labor three weeks early. Net arrived perfectly safe, and with a very 'unique' name filled with 'song energy' and 'peace bringing skills'. Clarinet had no idea what that meant, but she loved to listen to how her mother had named her, so she didn't mind the pretty terms. Her father was slightly less pleased, but enjoyed her mother's hippy ways, and after a night or two of wrestling around, submitted to the mother's decision. Clarinet grew up happy. She dreamed of being a ballerina, but hated the shoes with the blocks in the toes, so she never went to class. She wasn't much fond of the teacher, either, who pronounced her name 'Clar-in-it' because she refused to accept that a child could be named for an instrument. Other than her one teacher, however, Clarinet has always loved her name. Growing up was very easy for Net, and she lived a life of privilege. Her parents shielded her from hurt and destruction, and built her a little artificial shelter to hide in whenever the world turned bad. Net usually wears rose tinted glasses, and only takes them off to put on violet tinted glasses for a change of style. Fashionable and friendly, she's everyone's slightly ditzy girl next door. Not feeling she had much need to go on to college, Clarinet was none too picky about her choice in schools, and simply decided to take business classes at the local community college. She misses most of them. Other: Net has a mild allergy to strawberries, which she ignores in the manner of a cat. Net also goes into hysterics if people break laws, fearing the absolute worst punishment for every simple crime. In middle school she had to be sent home from school, sobbing uncontrollably because her friend asked to copy her homework at lunch. She has gotten somewhat better at controlling herself in these situations, but it still very quick to upset about such things.[/hider] [hider=Bleu Chess - Cy] Name: Theo Cyprus Nicknames/Aliases: Cy / Ciro Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: Theo stands at 5’7 and has an athletic frame of a lean gymnast. His hair for the most part is semi-short and messy with dark auburn locks that are hard to tame. With strands of curls going whichever directions, he either gels it back or just leave it be, depending on his mood. A light set of freckles are dusted across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. When choosing his clothes, a personal preference for him is various jackets, fur-trimmed vests, and long sleeves shirts – all things that you often see one wear during the fall or winter due to his poor blood circulation. Personality: Although easygoing and respectful, Theo can seem rather indifferent and standoffish at first. He is awfully calm in most situations and has a tendency to nod patiently – with disinterest – to all things not relevant to him. Impartial to most things in life, he hardly ever speaks out and remains in the background. In truth, the silence stems from his indecisiveness and a personal habit of taking situations lightly when the problem itself is a lot more dire than he makes it out to be. He hates to make decisions without the opinion of others and often frets when alone, wondering what to do next while hiding his anxiety with a confident persona. To him, the world is all gray with the roads too blurred so why not just walk down the path that people had already set for him? Despite his cold demeanor, Theo holds a surprising yet hidden amount of optimism and patience. He cares for the feelings of others – which may cause him to sugarcoat his words – and is an acute listener when needed. Having no qualms with taking orders if it's for the better good, he is quite dependable when he takes responsibility of a project or a person, doing whatever is necessary to see to his duties with persistence. Skills: Theo is notably athletic and flexible as he was once a gymnast since the young age of 5, He can work his way through vaults, tumbles, and bars with relative ease after rigorous training at gyms and high competitions. Utilizing his skills in hand-eyes coordination and balance, he can swing his way around a pole and land on his feet without so much of a struggle. His upper body strength allows him the ability to do multiple pull-ups and carry heavy objects. High pain tolerance is another subject to point out after many mistakes and accidents he had to endure in order to perfect his flips and explosive tricks. As for skills outside of athletics, only his poker plays are worthy a mention. With a natural disinterest in almost just about everything, it wasn’t hard for Theo to be known his poker face and carefully crafted expressions to fool his enemies into folding or betting it all. His skills in poker are not exceptional, but they’re decent enough. History: Theo was born the youngest of his three siblings – the first two oldest being twin brothers while the third was an adopted sister. Both of his parents were the breadwinners of the family, providing for their needs and financing any extracurricular activities the children might be in. A mother who's a teacher and a father as a coach, his family may not have been the richest, but they were well put with their current income as middle class folks. Ever since from a young age, Theo had always surrounded by athletes and a home that have shelves filled with golden trophies. With his father being the high school’s soccer coach, his sister as a professional gymnast, and the twins being renowned tennis players with multiple medals beneath their belt, Theo’s future career was pretty much set in stone early in his life. Sports were held on a pedestal in this family and often associated it with pride and good health. It was also made as a way to bond with the family as, whenever given the chance, his mother would bring Theo high on the stands and watch every game his siblings were in. Ironically, this made other's view Theo as inferior when compared to his siblings, the benchmark of success already too high by the time he was born. His parent's high expectations didn't help as well. When Theo turned 5 years old, his sister retired from balance beams and bars as soon as her liver started to fail due to a genetic disease. Jealous of the twins who share the same sport together and could still play, His sister convinced their parents to enroll Theo into gymnastics to continue in her name; thus, resulting in his current status as a gymnast with his sister being both his advisor and coach. Other: Theo has a good sense of beat and rhythm since his gymnastics training called for it, but his musical talents are practically nonexistent. At most, he can play the drums barely decently.[/hider] [hider=Hero - Gil] “Trust is the only currency I recognize. If one can’t trust others, all other currencies become worthless.” Name: Gilbert Solberg Nicknames/Aliases: Gil Gender: Male Age: 27 Appearance: Personality: Gil has an ever present, but strange sense of duty and honor. He has no problem manipulating and destroying those around him for his own gain, and yet if he makes an agreement with someone he always keeps not just the letter but the spirit of the deal. Possibly an undiagnosed sociopath. Gil believes in the laws of Economics and Game Theory are the only true laws of human discourse. A worshipper of the concept of Enlightened Self-interest, to Gil the greatest evil is not murder or thievery, but going back on your word. Skills: Physical Abilities: Gil worked a construction job when he was a little younger, and has taken the effort to keep in shape ever since. He is in good physical condition over all, but tends to be better at heavy lifting and tasks related to arm strength, rather than being fast. Mental Swiftness: Gilbert is capable of amazing feats of mental agility. In addition to being extremely smart in general, Gil almost thrives under pressure. Gil is rarely taken off guard, and tends to come to solutions quickly and effectively even in the most pressing circumstances. Deep Analysis: Gil tends to be good at approaching a problem and figuring out hidden implications of any information presented. However, this also comes with a weakness. Gil tends to come to some conclusions with paltry evidence, and has a hard time acknowledging that his solution might be wrong. When new evidence comes to light he will rethink his position, but he tends to overcommit based on conclusions he’s come to without considering the idea that it might be wrong. Statistical Anomaly: Gil tends to be good at calculating odds (and other numbers). History: Gil was a promising student with a bright future. Nearly perfect grades, a 2100 on his SATs, and an acceptance letter to just about any college he applied to. However, he was never given a chance to use this advantage. On the day he graduated high school, his younger brother Alter Solberg collapsed, his breath ragged and heart palpitating. He was rushed to the hospital, and put on a respirator. He continued to have intermittent attacks, with no diagnosis in sight. As the hospital bills climbed, Gil realized he would have to go into the workforce full time to help cover his brother’s medical bills. So he abandoned his college prospects, and came to a friend of his father who worked in the construction industry. Gil was a spindly little bookworm, but the man knew the kid’s work ethic was too great to let him fall behind. Gil took heavier loads, worked longer hours, and took fewer breaks than anyone else on site. Eventually his arms hurt less, and his lungs wouldn’t gasp for air. It wasn’t enough. Even with the extra income the family continued to spiral down into debt. Alter continued to get worse. His only hope was a specialist the family couldn’t afford. So Gil decided to get the money. One way or the other. And get it he did. In cash. And no one ever figured out how he did it. But all the money in the world couldn’t save Alter. Gil never did go to college. He put his money in an investment account, and continues to receive mysterious payments that no one can track. He pays his taxes, and no one can prove the money is dirty. He walks around the world listless, gambling mostly. He tends to put money on the longshot and lose it all with neither a care nor a smile.[/hider] [hider=Martyr - Emlyn]Name: Emlyn Pryce Nicknames/Aliases: Gender: Female Age: 29 [URL=]Appearance:[/URL] Emlyn is tall and slender, and the overalls she frequently wears somehow seem to elongate her appearance. She falls just a couple inches shy of six feet. A set of cerulean pools rest on either side of an aquiline nose. Uniformly straight hair has a is dark, and often kept long. She tends to tie it up whichever way to keep it out of her face when she's busy working. Bronzed arms are riddled with tattoos. The tool belt slung around her hips doesn't help the grease monkey. When not in overalls, she often dons jeans and short sleeved button ups. Personality: Emlyn treats her heart as a prison and is slow to trust anyone completely. The trust she grants to others is typically broken up into small pieces, never giving it all to any single person. A sense of adventure and curiosity for the unknown is her main driving force. Avoiding the mundane in favor of trying something new has a heavy impact on the decisions she makes. Her desire to seek out new things has kept her from settling down. Skills: A somewhat vast knowledge of animals and plant life. She's a handy mechanic, but automobiles are her specialty. History: Emlyn was raised in the country where she spent most of her time working on the farm her parents owned. She toiled away many of her days in the field and was also responsible for caring for the animals. The town was one where everyone knew each other, and they happened to be aware of every aspect of her life. In many cases they knew about critical life changes before she did. When her boyfriend broke up with her, the neighbors were aware of it before she had any suspicion of it herself. The town made Emlyn stir crazy and she couldn't wait to get away from the people she loved to garner some anonymity. As soon as she was in her last years of high school, she began applying for colleges and universities. She enrolled in the first one to offer her a full scholarship. Her grades hadn't granted her access to an Ivy League school, but that didn't matter so much to Emlyn. Emlyn never really returned to the country after completing her education. She started working as an employee for some repair shop, and used all of her free money to support her desire to try new things. Part of the reason she hasn't settled down is because she doesn't want to set aside her time and money to hinder her from doing the things she enjoys. The holidays have gradually become the only time she sees her family and friends, although her visits seem to merely provide them an opportunity to pressure into moving back home. The lectures about her marrying and having children only make the experience that much more enjoyable.[/hider]