Name: Ashil Arry Age: 17 Gender: Male Job: Chosen heir to [url=]Apep [/url] Appearance: Ashil is, in a word, unimposing. He isn’t short, but he’s not tall either, not muscular but not unhealthy. A bit wiry of a frame, but a straight posture, like he was always expecting to be looked at. His hair is long, and, of his own foppish volition, styled in a flare and dyed a deep blue up front, and in a garish contrast, a vibrant violet in the back. Personality: Ashil was something of a brat before his ordeal. Very self-absorbed, very vain, one to use his “friends” as tools to achieve his own social goals. The people that knew him well attested to him being different in personal space, but could provide no proof, and those who knew him normally could more than readily prove his manipulative nature. However, once he became the chosen successor to Apep, he quickly realized that being hated for who you project yourself to be, and being hated for what you actually are, are two very different things. Now bitter, manipulative, and deceitful beyond what he was before, Ashil is constantly caught between his disdain for the role he was drafted into, and a resentment for those around him. He grew used to being the villain, being beaten by others who had truly noble causes, even if adolescent. He is always unsure, always doubting what he is, what he wants to be, and what he is [i]expected[/i] to be. That, perhaps, more than anything, is what makes him dangerous. History: Why Ashil was chosen to succeed the chaotic entity is a mystery. Perhaps Apep saw him as a potential evil, or maybe, looking further, found a gleeful challenge in the corruption of the boy. Whatever the reasoning, Ashil now bears the burden of carrying on his “master’s” duties, whatever that leaves of him in the end. Powers/Duties: The ultimate goal of Apep, as much as Ashil may fight it, would be the destruction of the sun, light, and the deconstruction of universal order. Returning everything to its original, nebulous and chaotic state. Apep is starting him slow, though, and for now Ashil is meant to simply put out candles and other small lights he comes across, when he can. Baby steps. Ashil’s powers are the more sinister of the two present things, and they manifest as such: [b]Realm of Apophis:[/b] The ability to deconstruct areas, though usually around him. It can be projected at the cost of size. From the outside it merely appears to suck the light out of an area, however the technicalities are more complex. What it truly does is temporarily unmake a section of space, disassembling it until it holds no laws of reality. These areas do not delete living material or things directly attached to living material that do not include the environment. In these spaces, reality is subject to mental influence, and for those unacquainted with the lawless "order" of nothingness, simply being inside can be overwhelmingly strange. Even Ashil, who was subjected to long bouts of confinement within the Nothing Spaces, has yet to fully grasp the possibilities. Once the ability breaks, the space is returned to as it was prior. [b]Blueprint:[/b] Ashil's form becomes unstable, seeming to jump and twitch and split for only fractions of moments before reassembling and then repeating again. In this state, perceiving him can be difficult, as it’s hard to determine exactly [i]where[/i] he is. This state cannot be maintained for more than a few seconds at a time. [b]Apotheosis:[/b] The assimilation of Apep into Ashil's being. While channeled, he is much more agile, able to bend and twist further than normal. Fangs protrude from his front teeth, his skin becomes rougher, and his hands become as claws, sharp and draconic. Apep has said that the ability has many stages to it, however Ashil has only ever managed -for a brief time- the first, and cannot begin to fathom the others that follow.