"Ok! Clearing out the place." With the shield in front, Strike took several shots with the beam rifle, the few artillery shells and rockets that hits doing nothing to spoil her aim. Explosion racked the beach as a few emplacements were hit, and the missed shots served to break the enemy ranks as they exploded on the ground. Strike was drifting towards the ground however, as it was not truly able to fly properly yet. "I'm landing." She spoke to the comlink and then to herself. "Test firing the rifle, rapid shots... under less than nominal conditions...." Monitoring the energy usage, she sprayed energy beams as fast as she could identify and recognize potential threats on the ground. As soon as Strike touched the ground, she knelt behind the shield, the beam rifle up and ready to shoot at any thing else she might have missed on the way down. "Ah.. how am I supposed to say this... The beach here is relatively clear."