Both are approved, so including Stich's character we're now at 3. The Interest Check has gathered no new interest however, so I'll probably bring back my old guy Mark to act as another main squad member unless if more people suddenly show up. Also, due to the attempts to cut down on overall player size from the last one (to avoid splitting up) I will also be cutting down on the number of expendable ODST's from the last RP. Though the next part in that is something I'm hoping to get player feedback on. All those ODST's were those the GM had made, not me. So I'm not exactly as invested in them as he is, so I'm considering scrapping them and making some new ODST NPCs to go with you guys who will essentially act as the casualties. Are people ok with this or would you rather I simply pick out of the originals? If you're fine with me making my own, are there any specific ones from the old RP you would rather I hold on to?