I read more comics than books but recently I tried to go back to my bookworm days so I've been revisiting some of my favorite books and adding new ones in 1) the phantom tollbooth by i forgot their name but i'm too lazy to look it up(it's a childrens book but i loved it and its super great) 2) the brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz 3) oryx and crake by Margret Atwood 4) jurassic park by Michael Crichton 5)island of dr. moreau by H.G Wells 6) the blind assassin by Margret Atwood 7)Confessions of a crap artist by Philip K. Dick 8)slapstick by Kurt Vonnegut 9) a hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez 10) Malcolm x the autobiography