Net rolled out of bed. Literally. She hit the floor with a solid thud that should have startled her awake. The only reason it didn't, was that she was already awake. She'd awoken from the dream, freaked out and petrified. Laying face first in her pillow, everything had been dark, and she couldn't breath. She'd rolled to get out of her pillows, and ended up out of the bed. "Owww...." The young woman rubbed her hip right hip. She'd landed on it first. "Stupid dream." Clarinet climbed to her feet, disentangling from her blankets. A small, black cat watched her from the dead center of her bed. "No wonder I fell off. Stupid cat, taking up all the room!" She scooped the tiny creature up into her arms for a snuggle. "You're suppose to chase away nasty things! Like bugs, and mice, and bad dreams! I named you Dreamcatcher for a reason!" The reason had, actually, been for the marking on her chest. It was round and webby. With the cat's paws dangling below, Net had been reminded of the charms. She'd thought the name quite sweet. "Come on, Dream," She shivered for a second, remembering the young girl. "Where did that even come from?" Head shaking, Net trotted down the hall and into her bathroom. There was no way she was going to feel clean, not after that dream, until she had scrubbed herself pink from head to toe. "How could that man even sit there!" She demanded of her companion. "He just let a girl die, and he just sat there!" Catching the early signs of her personal panic, she shut her eyes. "No...stop." A long sight escaped her. "Happy, happy, happy. It was a stupid dream, no one really died. Think happy." She was suppose to be in class in an hour. But class was never happy. "I think I'll go shopping today." She informed her feline as she undressed. "I could use a new pair of boots. And a cute dress to match! Would you like a new toy mouse? Maybe I'll take you to the pet store." She flicked on the shower, as hot as she could stand. Dreamcatcher perched on the edge of the bathtub, watching as water rolled down the curtain. "Merrrr?" She swatted at a few stray drops, then shook her paw indignantly. This water was [i]wet[/i]. Tail in the air, she leaped down off the edge of the tub, and trotted back down the hall. Her human rejoined her a half hour later, hair dripping, and wrapped in a towel. Dreamcatcher promptly snubbed her, and went to sit by her empty food dish. Clarinet dressed quickly. She adored dresses, but decided on a skirt today. Skirts were almost as good as dresses. It was a dark blue skirt, and she paired it with a cream colored top, and brown boots. Her eyes flicked over to her phone, charging on the bedside table. She picked it up, checked for messages, and dropped it again. That done, she grabbed her purse from yesterday. As she dumped some keys, lipstick, hairbands, a toy mouse, some gum, and whatever else was in her red purse, into a brown one, she surveyed her bedroom. She fed her cat in her room, and could see that there was still a ring of food around the inside edge. She supposed she should toss a little more on top, though. The water dish was still filled. "Ooooh! Breakfast!" The thought of feeding her cat reminded Net she had to feed herself. She decided she was going to pop down to her favorite cafe for a nice little breakfast pastry, a cup of coffee with too much cream and sugar, and maybe a chance to flirt with a cute customer or two. None of the boys working the counter were old enough for her. There were only two, and they both seemed to be barely in high school. The girls were nice to chat with, though. She dumped a random amount of food into her cat's dish, and decided it would be good for the day. Likely, it was good enough for three days. "Good girl, Dreamcatcher. I'm gunna garb some breakfast, then some boots, and two new dresses, and a purse, and a boyfriend, and then I'll come take you to the pet store!" Net scratched the eating cat's ears, then exited her bedroom. Net entered her bedroom. Clarinet scooped up her purse, draped it over her shoulder, and exited the bedroom. Dreamcatcher's ears flicked towards the sound of the front door locking. It unlocked. Net sprinted back into the bedroom to grab her phone. A few minutes later and the front door locked again. Dreamcatcher snubbed her food and went to drink the water puddled on the bottom of the tub.