[b]"...So its a wild fucking goose-chase for you guys' enjoyment while we get shot, blown up, and axed on the way to the vault. Got it."[/b] TR-8C responded back, dryly. If there was one thing he'd had enough of, it was running around in circles for someone's amusement. He got enough of that shit from the labs, and he certainly didn't give a shit if he was jumping through hoops for vault hunters or circus clowns. Still, he figured that the payoff of a vault would be well worth it, hell, he could probably even afford...like...an artificial butt. So he could take robot dumps. Yup. He was definitely defragging his hard drive after that thought. [b]"So, where do we start? We going to just go around solving people's problems until something conveniently happens that points us to the vault? Or some jackass starts conveniently giving us hints as he tries to kill us?"[/b] Yeah, like that'd ever happen. Shit like that never happens.