[i]I'm finally here...[/i] A teenaged girl looked over the many tents of the great festival and sank to her knees, feeling a rush of emotion. Fear ad anticipation mixed with immense relief that she had come this far. [i]Now what do I do?[/i] Getting to the festival had not been easy for Astrid Alisse. After living in the same place her entire life, it was nearly impossible to believe that she had spent her entire life savings to fly halfway across the world in order to chase after something so unbelievable as a quest for the powers of the gods. If she hadn't been so adamant about saving for herself, it truly would have been impossible. [i]And my goddess is one that I can't even be sure ever existed... But I suppose that's what faith means.[/i] Astrid had to put more faith in her deity of choice than most. Ailina, Lady of Starlight, was someone who had visited her dreams for a long time. She had been a comfort to Astrid in her times of need, providing her with the hope that tomorrow would be better... until she vanished with the rest. What worried Astrid was that she had searched far and wide for records of Ailina and her worshipers, but found next to nothing. [i]I can't help but feel envy for those people that seek the power of the better-known gods. Even if they have to compete with more aspirants, they at least know they're striving toward a power that definitely exists.[/i] Astrid Alisse, the penniless orphan, the champion of hope, rose to her feet and set forth into the sea of tents.