Caspian had made it, his journey was boring and a waste of time. He had to travel across the county for some stupid festival, that he had seen in his dreams. The only reason he came was because he had been thought at a very young age that dreams were signs from God. He was supposed to be working at the factory right know but he was too distracted by the dream to work, so he took time off to come here. He was really looking for away to break away from the proverty line that he knew so well. He hoped that this "god of Forges would provide a payment plan for all this champion stuff, there was no way he was going to take off from work with no pay for who knows how long. Caspian the Champion of the Forger, carefully walked into the confines of the festivals city of tents. (This is the first time I have done an IC so if it is cheesy I'm sorry) :)