Alice stayed at Hale's side. She knew Magnus would not be so brash as to outwardly express his obvious disdain, she simply did not like to be close to him. She was proud of Hale for coming up with the idea for the wolf noises to confuse the enemy. Perhaps she could draw in mountain lions with her rats. Or maybe bears. It was an interesting idea. Using the animals meant less vampire casualties. Living a long life meant Alice had seen many wars from many angles, not to mention weaponry and she knew the best thing for wiping large amounts of people with out risking many of her own were explosions. "Cannons. Tanks." Alice said, not looking at anything in particular. "On Rhinos." At that last part the corner of her lip quirked up. It was a humorous thought, seeing Rhinos charging into battle with cannons strapped to them. Animals like that won't go extinct for a long time. Her kind were far more important. [url=]Outfit[/url]