Most of my gaming time (Basically whenever I'm not forum posting or out with friends) is being invested in Skyrim or XCOM. But these are some multiplayer games I'm up for playing with others. [b]PC (Steam Name: AddictX360)[/b] -Planetside 2 -Magicka -Pulsar Lost Colony -Minecraft (Someone else needs to provide the server) -ORION Dino Horde (I fully admit the game is basically shit, but it's Testosterone filled fun shit) -Natural Selection 2 -Rust? (Requires a dedicated/consistent group. I ain't logging on to play it with others simply for one session that's gonna be dropped afterwards) -Dungeon Land (It's cheaper than Pizza! In all seriousness, I owned this for over a year. But never actually been able to try it cause no one I know seems to play it). -Castle Crashers (Basically same with Dungeon Land, except I specifically got it to play with a specific friend, but then work life got to him) -Borderlands 2 [b]360 (Gamertag: SplaterKing117)[/b] -Halo 3 -Halo Reach -Halo 4 -Mass Effect 3