[centre][img=http://i1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj637/fernfur-ferny/Synnovebanner_zps347629ea.jpg][/centre] Synnove nodded, throwing her rubbish in the bin and following right behind Nax. It was quite a relief to know she wasn't going to have to spend the rest of the day here undoubtedly stuck in an office depending on what her next task would be. She had far better things she could be doing. She would probably spend part of the day working working on the two current personal projects she had at home. Maybe do a little bit of hacking. That was always fun and there was a certain thrill to it. Maybe that was the fact that it was illegal and, well, all the security and leaving no traces posed a certain challenge. She enjoyed challenges. She was more than glad that Nax was dealing with telling her supervisor, rather than her having to do it. She didn't much like the guy and, well, she didn't want to mess things up. Nax was much better at these things. And anyway he was above her supervisor so that was a distinct advantage. Ah, how great it was to be with friends high up in the company. Although the fact she was so low was mostly her fault. The department change was partly responsible and she had turned down quite a few promotions when working in electrical. So yeah it was her fault. She just wished she had a better supervisor. "Freedom!" Syn dramatically threw out her arms as they left the building and entered the outside world, full of life and people going about their daily business. Everything was so well organised in this part and it was all a bit disconcerting. The efficiency with which everything moved was something to behold really. Her gaze moved to the earpieces blinking in everyone's ears and she couldn't stop certain thoughts taking place in her mind. What would happen if someone managed to hack into them all? She doubted it was possible but it could cause some kind of catastrophe. Those earpieces contained everything and controlled everything. That kind of power... Nope, she was not even going to consider it. "Park sounds good," she smiled. "It will be nice to go somewhere quiet." Though she rarely went to the park Syn did enjoy time spent there. She glanced around as they reached it, gaze zoning in on a bench nearby. She instantly headed for this and sat down. "Nax, I think you might have gotten your body parts mixed up. As far as I'm aware a leg has nothing to do with walking and shouldn't cause someone to hobble around if they lack it," she smirked at him. "Believe me, I know, I lived without one before I got this. Anyway the damned thing normally malfunctions without any help from me. Problem with prototypes, eh?" She laughed, pulling out a whole bunch of tools and working on getting back movement in her fingers. "So, what did you have that meant you so desperately wanted out of work? General boredom? I mean all that analysing must get really frustrating after a while." A frustrated noise left her lips after the questions she asked as she tried to move her mechanical right hand, covered by a leather glove, and failed. "Stupid arm..." she muttered, continuing to work. "I'm quite glad to get out of there actually. The stupid manager of my team had me doing all the planning. You know when the last time I got to do practical engineering was? At least a week ago. And the rest of the team isn't really any good at it! They're all new, starting out in their career thinking they're so amazing. At least half have some kind of connection. I'm sick of hearing about their uncle who helped discover the secret to teleportation, or their cousin twice removed who helped with the creation of the earpieces. They all look down on me as well cause I'm older than them by a few years older than them but the same level of job. Its not like I care, they have barely any skill and I doubt they could do half the things I can, but it is so annoying. Almost makes me regret moving from general electrical into laser tech." She scowled. "Don't even get me started on the team manager. He's just the same, really, sure he's so much better because he's a bit younger and my superior. And I really was beginning to get stir crazy in that office!" Seemingly finished with her rant she gave a few frustrated twists of the wires she was trying to reconnect due to accidentally knocking them out of place.The work she had been doing while getting annoyed about the people she worked with had only served to make the problem with her arm worse. "Whoops..." [centre] [img=http://i1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj637/fernfur-ferny/Keirbanner_zps67bb4c79.jpg] [/centre] Gulping down the last of his coffee Keir allowed himself to check his phone, which was on silent, for any reply messages. A smile crossed his lips as he read Emmy's message and with the knowledge that she was coming over he returned to his studies. He was going to finish the notes for this section before she came, because after that he knew he wouldn't get anything done at all. He had regained earlier energy now that he had something to look forward to. If he could just finish these notes then everything would be perfect and he would be able to fully relax when Emmy came over. Not that she'd give him even a moment to think about work or chemistry. Keir was on his last sentence as the knock sounded through his flat and he quickly finished it before jumping up and hurrying to the door. "Oh I don't know, Mrs Abney maybe? I was always suspicious of her... She's obviously been learning the secret knock." He laughed lightly as he unlocked the door, opening it to let Emmy in. "Good morning! You're looking as fashionable as always." He smiled warmly as he ushered her in, shutting the door behind her. It was obvious that the amount of time he had spent on clothes was quite the opposite of the time she spent. He had just thrown on whatever was nearest, which happened to be a scruffy pair of jeans, plain black t-shirt and hoody that all looked like they had been worn for more than a few days in a row. Appearances weren't really a concern when studying. "Want anything to eat? Tea, coffee? I think I have biscuits somewhere... I really need to buy some more food, I'm running out of the basics." He wasn't actually sure when he had last left his flat. His brain was a bit blurry at the moment and his memory wasn't really working. Maybe getting up early to study hadn't been the best idea. He did have an important practical coming up soon, and a whole ton of tests and exams. If he didn't study he wouldn't do well and then he wouldn't get the degree needed! That was not something he wanted to happen. He needed to get a good job at the end of this. And unfortunately jobs in chemistry were not actually all that common at the moment. At least his parents had supported him through university. With the amount of work he was doing having any kind of job would have been difficult. Not to mention how stressed he got the closer exams drew. "How has your day been so far?" Keir had entered the kitchen area, rummaging about in the cupboards in an attempt to find something edible that wasn't bread or some kind of tinned food. He eventually managed to find an unopened packet of biscuits that were actually in date. Well that would have to do. "If I remember correctly you had an ADR session, right?" He tried to know what Emmy was doing and when. After all it was nice to know if she was doing well or not in her career. And it certainly seemed to be going well. "When do I get to see the film? Because that would certainly give me something to look forward to." He headed into the living room and sat himself on the couch, biscuits placed on the small table in the middle of the room. After sitting he picked up his acoustic guitar, which sat in its case beside the sofa, and absent mindedly began to pluck the string. He wasn't really thinking about what he was doing and the notes barely had any form to them. There was the slightest hint of a song in its rawest form peeking through but just barely. He hadn't even meant to pick up his guitar in the first place and it had really just been an automatic reaction to being in such close vicinity to it. He hadn't played any of his instruments in a while and he missed that. He'd definitely have to play the piano and violin sometime later to make sure he didn't get rusty. Even if he wasn't going to make a career out of it music was still his favourite hobby and he didn't want to lose any of the skill he had in it.