The evening light bathed the ruined City in an auburn glow, as the shadows of the remaining buildings stretched eastward to meet the horizon. A chill wind blew in from the south, carrying dark clouds and ill omens with it. A being of unspeakable evil would soon unleash a cataclysm upon the ruined land. However, there were those who wished to stop it. Three defenders, each with their own motives, stood against a common enemy. Diabolus, The Maul, would be upon the city within seconds; the dark southern clouds were already gathering together, swirling above the spot where the Behemoth would appear. The surrounding buildings moaned as the wind picked up, jarring a few panes of glass loose from the higher windows, dropping them down to shatter on the pavement below. The beast was going to appear in the center of the city, where wide, five lane streets bordered massive skyscrapers. Littered with debris and derelict vehicles, the streets were far from clear and would prove difficult to maneuver in. The battle would soon start, leaving the defenders with but a few brief moments to prepare themselves before the onslaught.