Here's my sheet, 76. Lemme know what you think. :) [hider=May I Introduce Avis Cassell] [center] [ [b]Avis Bierne Cassell[/b] | [b]25[/b] | [b]Female[/b] ] [/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at 5'5, Avis prides herself in her modest curves. She's slender, maybe even a little scrawny. Her wavy, jet-black hair is messy, cut short to her shoulders, and ends in wisps. She ties it back with an old, brown bandana, probably in an effort to hide how long she hasn't had a shower. Well-used goggles rest on the bandana just off her forehead. Her eyes are a curious sight, the left one being brown and the other a pale gray.  She wears slim-fitting, dark brown miner's coveralls with a loose, faded tee underneath it. Both articles are covered in a layer of ash and grease. She's left hand-dominant, so her left forearm is bare. But her right is covered in different cloths, braided string, and strange looking beads. Half-fingerless leather gloves line her hands, so worn that there are holes in the palm.[s] Her necklace is important to note as it is the magical object to allow her access to the island. She often tucks the ball behind her shirt.  Along the simple silver chain around her neck is a curious object -- a small metal ball about 1.5 inches in diameter. The metal shines a pearlescent silver, many lines are etched within its features that glow pale blue-white. On its front several little copper cogs slowly tick together, though it doesn't seem to show any indication of time. At its bottom is an intricate indent that almost seems like a keyhole. [/s] [b]Personality:[/b] Neither a leader nor a follower, Avis tends to make her own path in life, and prides herself on her independence. Avis is naturally reflective and enjoys sitting down at the end of a long day to ponder the mysteries of her world. She holds onto questions rather than answers as they can always change, but questions remain constant. She regards her starved, dying world with great sadness. But she still holds a sense of wonder, and has clinically detached herself from her surroundings as a coping mechanism. She's adaptable, down-to-earth and laid-back. When she speaks it's with genuine emotion and honesty. Past the well-meaning apathy, down on the soul-level, Avis has a great capacity for emotion -- she's empathic, warm and gentle.  Occasionally Avis is prone to feeling inadequate, especially if she's not met with success soon after she starts something new. Her level-headed trait can be confused with apathy, or a lack of care. She's used to being quite private, and has a bad habit of not disclosing her personal opinions. Avis also dislikes being alone for an extended period of time, and can become crippled if an emotional need is not met.  [b]Background:[/b] Avis was essentially sold to her uncle after her previous family could no longer afford their youngest daughter. He worked in a mine, and she was quickly working down in the darkness with him, even at her young age. There was family love between her and her uncle, but it wasn't the same as a mother's embrace and Avis went through a period of grief.  Her uncle had collected many things over the years, old books, odd trinkets and a great assortment of chipped jewels. Being a natural tinkerer, Avis learned how to take apart his clocks and put them back together, better than before. As soon as he taught her how to read Avis found a great love in learning, and read his entire library twice over. His books on legend and lore impressed her the most, and she dreamed of lost islands with bountiful bread and honey.  [S]For her 18th birthday her uncle surprised her with a gift not even he knew the significance of. On a line of freshly polish silver he offered Avis an ornate silver ball that ticked like it had its own heartbeat. He told her it was the key to finding the island she read about in her childhood. But when she asked for further insight, he shook his head. Not even he had all the answers. [/s] A year later her uncle gave her his hot air balloon ship, and after working for months on the steam engine, Avis got the old clunker up and running. That was her ticket out of mining, and with a heartfelt goodbye, she left her uncle and the claustrophobic darkness behind. She never looked back.  High up in the clouds for many months, Avis never tired of the fresh air, being able to peek over the steel railing and seeing a vague, dark land far below. And she never grew bored of watching the sky, in its many sunsets and nights full of twinkling stars.  After years of pursuing the legend of the lost island, Avis came across enough secrets that eventually took her journey into the vast and endless ocean. She knew she'd be searching for a needle in a haystack, but she had to find paradise. After all these years, she was so close -- giving up wasn't an option.  [b]Other:[/b] -- Avis is a tinkerer, and can fix almost anything.  -- [s]She thoroughly enjoys the tick of copper cogs, and has become quite attached to her silver ball.[/s]  -- Owns and maintains a moderately large airship.  [/hider]