may i join as a hippy with this character? Name- Kellin McHalleran race-Witch Gender-male Age -19 Appearance. 6'2" 180lbs, green eyes, blondish-brown hair kept in an ivy-league cut, keeps face with some stubble. usually wears dome black cargo pants, some combat boots, and some vietnam-era army shirt.(olive longsleeve w/ green t underneath in warm weather, olive field jacket in cold) Clique: read below History- Kellin was raised by his mother. he has a sister 2 years younger. when he turned 16 the family dynamic started to fall apart until by 17 he and his mom agreed to go their separate ways. Kellin has been living on his own for 2 years already. So he doesn't regularly recognize other people's authority. the way he sees it, we're both human, "i treat you as such you treat me as such". this can get him into trouble at times but he doesn't see it that way. He sees it more like fighting for what he believes or demonstrating his own authority over himself. Kellin is kinda a loner in the sense that he doesn't identify himself with a particular group. He hasn't been in highschool for 2 years now and off and on he's been homeless during that time so he's grown to accept himself and learn what he likes and dislikes without societal restraint. But despite this he's charming, well spoken, learned, and charismatic. He get's along with almost anyone. if he doesn't it's because he doesn't like them and has no problem showing it. You'd call him a hippy, but more like one of those radical 70's hippys, against the establishment, government, media, or anything else that tries to control his life without his consent. Al that ideology rely comes from his strong desire to live and let live. Power(s)- manipulates electricity in living things and the earth through this power he can 1.shut down or start peoples brains or hearts. 2. cause localized earthquakes and fissures. 3. cast lightning from his body. 4. accelerate plant growth Weaknesses- likes to get intoxicated or high and if you can somehow get him in a electrically neutral environment, he loses his powers almost entirely. he also does his own thing which has been known to go badly for him "I'd rather burn than boil".........