Teres bolted awake suddenly, her heart pounding almost as much as her head was. She groaned as she glanced around, the sun pouring in to the room through the gaps at the edges of the curtains. Her head ached and she felt tired, though the memory of the dream she had just had was still fresh in her mind and she felt almost completely alert already, a most unusual feeling for her in the morning. She ran her hand through her blonde hair, now little more than a tangled and matted mess as she yawned before sighing and turning her mind to the images she had just witnessed. What an odd dream, and more-so odd that she had actually remembered it. [i]A dead girl, a boy soon to be dead? Who was that man, and why were they all playing with a loaded gun?[/i] A few thoughts raced through her mind before it went back to the robe he had been wearing and more importantly the symbol that had adorned it… [i]what was it again?[/i] A small blood red circle emblazoned on the right breast, a cross marking through that circle – she remembered it quite clearly, and with the thought in her mind she scrambled out of her bed and towards a discarded pad of paper and pencils, keeping the image in her head in-case it slipped away, excited to have finally remembered anything from a dream, or nightmare as it seemed. She sketched up the symbol several times before deciding on one that she was happy with before tearing the page out of the little scrapbook and carrying through into the kitchen as she examined it. Moving through the doorway she suddenly stubbed her toe against the doorframe, her eyes widening as pain shot through her foot and caused her to scream before repeatedly cursing as she hopped about a bit, dropping the bit of paper as she did so. Swearing once more she moved over to the counter before taking a seat and lifting her foot into her hands, examining her toe closely as her previous thoughts of the symbol were forgotten, whining noises escaping her as she cradled her foot. Satisfied that she hadn’t done any permanent damage she glanced over at the wall clock before she gasped in slight amazement at how early it was. Two minutes past eight, she struggled to remember the last time she had been up and about so early, let alone as awake as she felt at the moment. Resisting the urge to swear again as she stood, she half walked, half limped over to the bathroom to prepare herself for the day – though now in a thoroughly bad mood. Emerging from the bathroom some time later and in a considerably better mood Teres wasted little time in doing her hair, makeup and dressing herself, before doing a brief tidy of the coffee table and seating area, bottles, rubbish and ashtrays littering around haphazardly. She made a black coffee before seating herself with her feet up across the table, laptop in her lap and a cigarette in her mouth as she powered the device up. She wondered briefly what to do with her morning, seeing as she had an entire morning and a day, before deciding that hopefully she would do nothing. She cycled through her different email inboxes looking for anything interesting or that would demand her immediate attention, the odd dream entirely forgotten for the moment as she clicked away. As she refreshed the final inbox she had to check she flinched as a mail popped up, delivered yesterday with the subject only as ‘Delivery Required’, the sender being one whom she instantly recognised as a sleezeball who liked to call himself Knight, or rather a disposable email he had obviously set up to contact her. The only reason she tolerated any such contact from him was a simple one. Good, easy money. The email read [i]‘Dear Miss Summers, Your presence is required asap regarding a delivery exchange. Please contact me on the usual number. K’[/i] She knew that that meant he basically wanted her to deliver drugs or some other illegal package to one of his higher end contacts, basically something that none of his usual dealers was qualified to handle with the required subtlety or finesse. The last time she had done so was to some penthouse and she’d been forced to hang around for hours as ‘arm-candy’ for the guy who she had delivered to, a large pale guy who had tried several times to get her between his legs – something which she had not appreciated considering she was just the delivery girl. Picking up her phone she scrolled through her contacts until she found his name, hesitating briefly as she hovered over the call button, summoning the mental strength she required to speak with him. Her stomach lurched briefly as she hit the button and listened as the phone rang, a few moments later a woman’s voice answered. “Who is this?” asked Teres uncertainly. “Oh I see. Well when he gets up tell him it’s Wrath, I got his email.” “Now? Right now?” “Fine, where?” “I’ll be there in twenty” and with that she hung up the phone before stubbing her cigarette out and standing. [i]“Great”[/i] she said sarcastically to herself, not at all impressed that she now had to not only leave the house for work, but to also get changed into one of her more presentable outfits to better blend with the more respectable levels of society. [i]"Fuck this"[/i] she said sourly to herself, already sulking [i]“think of the money”[/i].