[u]Ada[/u] "Fritz, good name Fritz. My name is Ada, pleasure to make your acquaintance. So if you are not from here, where are you from? You've got to come from somewhere, especially a young 'un like you, surely your mum is looking for you. And what is it you have in your bag there?" Ada chased Willow on with a shake of the reins. She made the decision to head Willow back onto the road, it would be easier to explain why she left the road and went back on to to explain as to why they were remaining off the road. This boy was strange, although Ada couldn't put her finger on why exactly. Perhaps it was his clothes, or his odd behaviour. Ada watched his ruffle in his bag, he clearly was not trying to conceal what was in the bag, but she couldn't read the words. He was simply a boy, too young to be a man, too old to be a child. She settled on his clothes, out of his appearance, his clothes were the strangest. She'd met many a person with stranger mannerisms, even if they didn't waltz around with a coloured rope around their necks. The night was still and the creaks of the wagon as it bounced uncomfortably and swayed with the uneven ground were amplified by the silent trees around them. Willow's hooves fell in their dull never changing thuds. Overhead crickets chirped at the stars that swirled in the heavens. A little bit further off, but not that far, the moonlight shone on two porcelain ears as they moved through the woods. From tree to tree, then tree to rock, rock to ground, ground to tree; the figure lept and twirled dancing a graceful ballet to a melody that only she could hear. ----- [u]Duplo[/u] She ran as fast as she could worried Ada would be at the destination before her, her stockings were positively ruined and feet dirty but the wooden tube the scroll was in was unscratched. With two gentle hops she lept onto a branch and then dropped a bit further on into a fire-light clearing. Many gypsies were gathered in small groups, dancing, singing or just talking. Two elves in tiger skins danced with them while one stood to the side discussing what looked like trading plans, A Fairy sat with the group talking, it had gills that waved backwards every couple of seconds in an elegent formation, and webbed fingers. "Hail and hearts!" Duplo walked over to the group sitting around the camp, "has Ada Lovelace passed through here?"