[quote=Genkai] @Rayn Night: I don't think "Leaderly" is a word, you probably mean "Leader" or "Takes Command" etc. Since he's sophisticated and dedicated, I find it a bit sudden to then say he doesn't act with honor. Blunt honesty and cruelty I can shrug and nod along with but is there a reason as to why he lacks honor? (Poor Eddard Stark, every man must have HONOR! I couldn't help myself...) Since many of his spells deal with calling upon spirits, is it possible he's more of a monk (not the term I'm looking for but I can't think of the other word) or some sort of spiritual person? Anyhow, just some clarification needed and I think you're okay. [/quote] Yes, simply putting leader is a much easier option xD. Now, to the more detailed and important info. 1. His lack of honor is more towards the actions he takes. He will do things that are considered to be dishonorable (Assassinating someone, poisoning someone, treating him like dirt and like a low life. Basically he does not limit himself by a code of honor, as anything to make his nation prosper is appreciated). Now, he is sophisticated in the way he speaks and interacts, speaking properly and formally, rarely curses or raises his voice at anyone unless necessary. Usually polite and firm in his sayings. 2. The spirits he has are souls of warriors that have served Rilvaugh's family for years. It would be more spirits that have been gathered by "necromancers in his family". No, they do not summon the dead or create n/cromancers, they are more people that manipulate the fine lines between life and death.