[hider=Disclaimer.]Please don't send me a link to your thread and expect me to read through all your rules or plot ideas. If you have something that you really want to do or rules you really don't want to bend on, please present them in the PM. It's just the respectable thing to do. It's like going to a Greek restaurant and ordering Mexican food while handing them a recipe on how to make it. Fair? Great thanks for reading![/hider] Looking to build some stories around romance, desire and passion. Comedy, horror, sadness, happiness, sarcasm and twists and turns always welcomed within the plots! Only rule: At least 1 text box (I don't care what device you're on) filled makes for a response good response. More paragraphs is always better but at least one full text box response is preferred. [u]Some ideas but not all[/u] (PM for full plot idea [which can always have additives or subtractions]) Pirate x Stowaway Prince x Servant Princess x Commoner Master x Slave (this has multiple ideas) Professor x Student Best Friend x Best Friend Arranged Marriage Alien x Human (no plot yet just an interesting thought) Vampire x Human Werewolf x Human Girl x Father's Friend Any Fantasy! - Seriously let's talk about it! Marvel Maybe? Harry Potter Maybe? Would enjoy to hear any ideas others would have. Look forward to hearing from people!