[hider=Andrew Bishop] Full Name: Andrew Bishop Age: 73 Race: Aesthetically Human Appearance: [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/210/a/4/Cyborg_officer_concept_by_mojette.jpg] Without the gold around his neck and chin Personality: Bishop is openly kind and sincere with an especially strong sense of morality which many find odd coming from an Android. He believes that most issues can and should be resolved with diplomacy and non-violence. Furthermore he is of the belief hat a large part of the daily problems of society could be solved with a little patience and goodwill. Despite all of this deep down he has a hard streak in him and when those he cares about are threatened he has been known to act Harshly. While he is not unkind he does not form close relationships easily and is rather neglectful of things not pertaining to his work. History: Bishop was created 73 years ago by LifeLike industries and was touted as being one of the more advanced sentient servants available on the market. He was purchased by an older clergyman to assist in the daily duties in the church and to act as the priests personal retainer who named him Andrew. It was during this time that Bishop learned of the place of androids and other sentient machines in the world. It was not uncommon for him to be mocked and ridiculed by parishioners or in the streets when the old priest was not around. He felt alone and empty wondering why he would be created if only to serve in such a pitiful existence. It was the words of the priest that gave him hope. The old man would speak with Bishop constantly telling him stories of saints and sinners, Falls from grace and Redemption. And it was the priest who finally asked one day if he was happy in his servitude When Andrew said he was not the old priest let him go telling him to find his happiness and be at peace. Andrew was lost without a master but quickly found a purpose in the fledgling Machine Rights Movement becoming a spokesman and lobbyist for the granting of full citizenship to sentient machines and illegalizing the sale of sentients as servants. During this time he encountered much trouble and hardship and was placed on Babylons Registry of Seditious Androids(RSA). Eventually though The MRM won out and Sentient Machines were granted full citizenship in all the city-states though they still face discrimination to this day. Not long after Andrew took the last name Bishop to honor the priest who set him free and left the newly founded MRA(Machine Rights Association) to become the first Synthetic Human to serve in the Police force. His service was short though as he was retired out of duty after just eight years. During his service he met the first person he fell in love with and soon after would marry. After his retirement he now spends his time at home caring for his newly adopted child and does freelance work as a consultant for the police. Occupation: Unemployed, Freelance Police consultant/Occasional PI Weaponry: Service pistol [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/350/6/2/futuristic_pistol_by_jakerobson_tull-d34zqr0.jpg] Augments: none, though being a machine means he has a higher strength and endurance level than a normal human. Other: His Husband is Zachary Bishop and son is Thomas Bishop[/hider]