Both Nala and Emi had been glaring at the rich girl, although Kaz didn't really care about her. She was just some spoiled brat spouting garbage because she thought she was entitled to the world. Kaz led the two girls over to the booth that Wan Lo had reserved for them. It was tucked away in a quiet corner where no one would bother them, the perfect place for Nala and Emi right now. They would have probably caused a scene if Kaz hadn't pulled them away. Kaz decided it was safer to sit next to Wan Lo so that neither Emi or Nala could claim favoritism. Kaz: "Who was that rich girl anyway?" Emi: "You mean you don't remember?" Nala: "Her name is Ty-Lee, you faced off against her in the sudden death match today." Wan Lo: "She's the leader of the Badger Moles and the daughter of a Councilman. The kind of person who can make a lot of trouble if you're not careful." Kaz: "She should use some of her father's money to buy some manners..." Wan Lo: "Why don't we just enjoy our victory dinner? I bet you've never eaten this good before." The waitress came by to collect their orders. Wan Lo ordered some kind of roasted bird Kaz had never heard of and decided to have the same. Emi had opted for some kind of noodle dish while Nala decided on an exotic sounding stew which was apparently common in the Water Tribes. Emi and Nala were both more than happy to share with their new teammate. Every bite seemed to be carefully crafted by the chefs and Kaz had never experienced such complex flavors. The best part, however, was the wine. They had a special wine, made from rice, that was imported from the Fire Nation. It went down smooth and hit you slowly enough to enjoy it. Emi, who was only 16, was too young to drink alcohols and Wan Lo didn't care for it so Kaz shared with Nala who practically beamed at being able to do something that Emi couldn't. As they wrapped up the meal and the waitress came to collect the bill Kaz noticed that Nala was fairly blitzed. Clearly she couldn't handle her wine since they had only shared a single pint between the two of them. Kaz, while pleasantly buzzed, was still mostly in control of his faculties. Wan Lo explained that he would be taking Emi home in a Satomobile since she lived quite far away and they headed out of the restaurant without incident. When Nala tried to get up she almost immediately fell over and Kaz had to catch her. A faint apology escaped her lips as she leaned on him for support. Kaz decided he may as well help her get home, as if he even had a choice in the matter. He couldn't simply leave her there could he? So they left the restaurant together and started to head towards where Kaz assumed was her home. Kaz: "You know I don't actually know where you live." Nala: "That's ffffffunny.... neither do I." Kaz: "Can't get you home if I don't know where it is." Nala: "Let'sssss go toooo your place." Kaz: "I don't really have one. I've been living in an unused part of the Pro-Bending Arena." Nala: "oh...... fine then.... myyyy place. Sleeping Giant Apartmentssssss..... 12B." Kaz: "That I can do."