[i]“Gustavo! Go get me a snack!”[/i] -Meryl, Page 3. --- [b][center]Imperium - Anima Aeternum[/center][/b] --- Florence glances to Aslo and scoffs at the remark. [b]"I believe I misplaced it somewhere eight thousand years ago."[/b] He says with a bit of a joking tone as Gremlock's fireball reveals the hint of a humanoid arm. He takes aim to fire, only to watch it skitter into the darkness and hiss at them. Florence motions for Trom to come closer to him, his eyes widening somewhat. [b]"I recognize the hiss now... Heh... Scuva."[/b] He grimaces as Trom looks at him with confusion, before something suddenly leaps from the ceiling at the speed of a bullet, slamming into Trom's shield and pinning him to the ground. It was a pale skinned creature, humanoid in shape and yet with thin hairs grazing all over its body. Despite being naked its gender was entirely indeterminable as it opens its mouth and sinks its fangs into the wooden shield, barely failing to pierce Trom's chest as he screams in panic. Raen's shot rings true from the shadows and sticks it in the side as Gremlock fires on it from the opposite side. The musket ball rips through the intestines of the creature, causing it to fall over on its side and start to convulse while Trom scrambles to his feet. Florence deals the killing blow as more skittering is heard from the ceiling. Looking at the ceiling, Florence almost missed Murd clearly bowling his way through the metal door, blowing it off its hinges and sending it onto the floor. Miraculously, he also didn't hurt himself in the charge as Florence motions with his hand for people to start moving in that way, though keeps Trom close to him. It was likely that the Scuva in question were numerous and hungry for fresh flesh. [b]"The next room should be... A simple, large training room, full of dummies and other such materials."[/b] He says aloud, though there was likely a reason he kept his orders silent, though he did narrow his eyes as he looked at the corpse. [b]"That one was slow."[/b] Trom gulps and keeps close to Florence, back to back so as to maximize the shield coverage they both wielded. --- [b][center]Rheinfeld - Scheideweg[/center][/b] --- Moira Drafitee stops in her tracks again and swats Kasim across the face with a gloved hand. [b]"Pig."[/b] She says with disgust, though her body language betrayed her: She did find him attractive. She watches Davian start to head for the barn and sighs, shaking her head. [b]"I don't care for your childish assumptions. I'm following my own intuition and suspicion... Oh, and in case you didn't get the memo... I'm a tiefling, not a demon. Demons are just as hostile to my kind as they are to yours."[/b] Without another word she continues to follow Davian, making it quite clear: Either Kasim would have to stop her with force, or simply follow her lead to the barn where Davian was now heading. Zin on the other hand gets a quick, almost curt nod from Alida as she whistles once, sharply. Two small messenger boys arrive to her side. [b]"Spread the word to arm and be ready for an impending assault."[/b] The messengers nod as she continues moving for the meeting tent. It didn't take long to get there, though standing outside Taigyn looks around at the burgeoning situation. The Templar were beginning to arm themselves as well, likely in response to the Republicans. [b]"Is there something I should be made aware of?"[/b] Alida seems to ponder the question for a moment, then smiles in a friendly manner. [b]"Davian is investigating the barn, just in case there is trouble we are arming ourselves. It is likely a false alarm, but better safe than sorry."[/b] Before the Templar could answer Laenaia's questions, they heard an older man yelling for them to approach. Three of the Templar leave immediately, the fourth at least has the courtesy to bow politely. [b]"Ah, excuse me, something is stirring the camp into a frenzy. We can talk about this more later about this I would assume, since we're both likely assigned to protect Taigyn. My name is Eustice, remember that."[/b] He leaves her presence and rejoins his fellows several feet away. --- [b][center]Liveria - Heaven's Haven[/center][/b] --- The battle was moving at a rapid pace as Andrea attempted to cast her spell. The Orcish Leader however slams his skull-staff onto the ground and closes his eyes. Andrea would find her magical spell to affect the wind being countered, though she failed to recognize whether this is because he was wielding anti-magic or some other form of magic. Mila turns and faces the Orc Champion, summoning all of her might she attempts to at least slow him down as she applied telekinetic force against his limbs, though he was still plainly able to move despite this. The princess--that is, the real one--was nowhere to be seen as Elbetrt rides hard and fast past her group towards the Champion. In one fell swing he brings his axe downward, though thanks to the jittery movements produced by Mila's attempts to use telekinesis on him, he fails to hit her and instead hits her horse. With the sickening sound of internal organs being shredded as the horse is cut in two from sheer force and momentum, Elbetrt goes para-sailing through the air, past the orc, into the boulders with the unknown numbers of enemies. Smashing against a boulder before hitting the ground, she would feel dazed, with a loud ringing in her ears that would leave her out of combat for a minute or so while she recovered. Meanwhile, as Ceann climbs down the cliff side, the orcs snap out of their intimidated state as one of them dashes quickly to the edge of the cliff, pointing his bow downward towards Ceann. Gabriel however descends towards the orc. As he does so, the orc drops his bow and quickly pulls out a large blade from his waist, using it to block Gabriel's strike. Meanwhile, the second orc aims for Gabriel, and fires, easily scoring a hit on the now stationary target. The large arrow digs its way into Gabriel's lower torso, causing him to grit his teeth in pain as he kept his stoic demeanor on the forefront, though it was plain he was not going to last against these targets. Ceann, however, at least manages to reach the ground level. While Elrithos analyzes the Orc Champion he would see out of the corner of his eye something slip past him, a wispy sort of shimmer in the air moved into the ground. The Champion howled proudly as a half-orc steps out from behind the rocks, blade drawn as he rushed forth... And impaled his blade into the back of the Orc Champion's left ankle. Falling down to one knee, the Orc Champion howls in pain while the Half Orc frowns sympathetically as he twists the blade in, back and forth, before being knocked away with a single slap. Before he could hit a boulder and most certainly die however, Mila was quick to change her priorities to slow the half-orc down using her telekinesis. [b]"Safe and sound... Foolish princess."[/b] Mila mutters quietly while Elrithos would finally see it: The armour around the orc's waist was weak, likely due to the patchwork job that the other orcs would have had to do for him just to make it fit for his extra two feet in height. --- [b][center]Free Holds - Devil's Children[/center][/b] --- It didn't take long for Mikan to get dressed in something [i]more comfortable[/i] as the thin, cloth dress wrapped about her frame. Putting on the mask, she became unrecognizable as she giggles, throwing Aëyr, Abida, and Mars some clothing. Mars had much to be thankful for: It wasn't slutwear. It was actually rather gentleman's wear. After all, Mikan was the one that had to win over the warlord's attention. [b]"It's fine that you don't know. You just have to follow my lead."[/b] Mikan twirls on the tips of her toes once. [b]"As for the succubi... There are a few demons who manage to escape control. I know two who did."[/b] With that said, she leaves the overall uniform choice up to Aëyr, Abida, and Mars, trusting that they understood the basic strategy at hand. [b]"This is the last chance to ask questions."[/b] She says as she crosses her arms and leans on a wall. --- [b][center]Amazons - The Greatest Hunt[/center][/b] --- Eyllt would find, surprisingly, that two more of the women complied to be scanned, stepping forward to her. In all likelihood the last two would have as well, were it not for the fact that they were challenged by Maeven's Fafnir and Alicia. The two of them look at each other and smile a little as they accept the challenge, a smaller brunette and a larger blonde each walk out into the center of the large circle formed by the Amazons. The brunette bows before princess, the blonde makes no motion of respect towards her. [b]"My name is Tasha."[/b] The brunette said respectfully towards Fafnir. [b]"And I, am Rashan."[/b] The blonde said as well. Meanwhile, Ethlinn stares at the six with confusion plain on her face. If the succubi was in there, she was playing her cards well... Or she had a way of disguising herself from Esyllt. Ethlinn bites her lip and looks to Alexandria. [b]"Let us hope one of these four is it, or I will have made a grave error."[/b] Naream's summoning of five skeletons seems to unsettle most of the surrounding circle of Amazons, save one, who instead looked at them with curiosity and awe. Touching the bone structure of one of them, she looks at Naream and smiles. [b]"Undead warriors? How did you learn to do this?"[/b] She then looks at the arena, towards the two amazons who had been scanned. One of them looked at Ethlinn with disdain, the other glanced at Naream seemed somewhat appreciative of his arts.