Will repost once bio is done ----- Name: Milo Cash (Will change if needed) Race: [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/079/0/e/the_forest_by_renciel-d4tdmz8.jpg] Griffon Faunus [/url] (Change the Blue to Red, wings if allowed otherwise not there) Age: 16 (soon to turn 17) Gender: Male [hider=Bio] [/hider] Weapons: [hider=Kattargun] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/091/3/c/steampunk_sword__zanki__by_tamonten-d2ogz1x.jpg] (Shotgun Katana) [/hider] [hider=Snipit] [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/f/2010/317/e/1/anubis___polearm_by_symbiote_tgf-d32secq.png] (The longer blade turns to become the butt stock while the rounded blade acts as iron sight and monopod) [/hider] Semblance: Weight- Can control density and weight of people and objects touching him Strength/Weakness: +Semblance- Vital to his fighting style, used often enough it affects him minimally +Aura- Not so much of a shield but more of Adrenaline kick that helps him ignore the wound is there -Social- Can talk normally, even be "cool" to some, but when it comes to "Slick Talk" and "Dating" he can't do it -Knowledge- You think he really cares about class?