The pain was growing extremely fast, hard thinking wasn't fun. "I'm smart only until the pain sets back in. Also nice to meet you Niko, Sven." Milo nodded to each respectively. "The name is Milo, but I give you warning stick with me to long and the one now known as Stormwolf will come back out, I should be able to keep him from trying to kill you for the most part. One more thing don't waste the meds on the other part of me, you saw that doesn't work, and he honestly can't feel it how drugged he is. Now to your problem yes I know where civilization is, I can't and probably won't go to close or you can guess I'll be killed." A shot of pain wringed through Milo's body, dropping him to the ground, "Don't worry, when I'm smart to long this is what happens. "Now lets go, before I lose control." Walking over he grabbed his weapons and began walking towards the town he was just shot at. "I'm gonna put my mask back on, and let Stormwolf back out. Hope you don't mind the insanity, friend." He dropped the mask back on. A little groggy Stormwolf immediately began shouting random things at Niko ranging from why Meat Vegetarians were the best, to what drugs were coming out even though they were years old now.