Caleb laughed gently before giving a nod, "One can only hope, I have no interest in another meeting." Raina had barely even noticed the men talking or Everett pulling her closer as all her attention was looked on Lotus. She didn't know what to do or how to get them out of there but it needed to be fast. The cameras would be watching closely and to make matters worse, Seymour would come out of the hideout for them. They were important to the group and Lotus was always under extra protection when it came to that man. This would not end pretty if they were found out or even if they were not seen within camp soon. News traveled too fast and they had a very small window to get back without notice. She was almost relieved when Everett noticed Lotus's behavior and quickly stepped in before Caleb could be concerned which she did not need. One overprotective man was enough to deal with at the moment. "I'll take her home. Please don't worry you two, everything will be fine. I'll have her call you later Caleb but for now it is best to cut this date short. I'm sorry, I'll talk to you later Everett." Raina said in a rush, moving her friend into her arms as she slowly ushered them away, giving the two no room to argue. "Do you think she is alright? She looked really sick. Should we be letting them go back alone? Or would Raina kill us for tying to go with them?"