Braen slowly approached the festival that was apparently taking place for 'new gods'. Braen was never much of a religious person, if God's existed why would they make his life so shitty? He knew they were gone for a few years, but there were still around for most of his life. He had only came because the event was relatively close, and he had nothing to do for a next few months so this would at least kill the time if nothing else. Looking around he noticed a lot of people carrying weapons on them, [i]'wow, these people are serious'[/i] he thought to himself. He'd have to be especially sure not to end up in any fights while here... cause if he did he probably wouldn't walk away with just a few bruises and broken bones. Braen slowly approached a tent to sign up at, next to him were two people talking. He overheard something about some alliance, and the guy seemed to be hitting on the woman in skin tight clothing. And the girl rejecting him rather bluntly. But not only were people bringing weapons, but they were making an alliance... This was most curious. He simply decided to keep over listening while filling in his papers for now, getting an idea of what the other's were like might help him understand the crowd he's dealing with.