[quote=drallinix] "Well then Miss Roxy you don't have to worry about the second rule." he said while patting the hilt of his katana with his left hand. "As you can see knives aren't my flavor I prefer something a bit more elegant." he smirked as he continued "However I don't know about the second part I mean you cant tease me like this everyday wearing tight leather and expecting me not to notice". He hoped she would pick up on the joking tone in his voice. [/quote] Roxy rolled her eyes. "I don't care if you notice or not. As long as you don't touch." She told him. She studied his katana. She had seen weapons like that but she had never used them. "I prefer knives. My knives can fly through the air in ways that your heavy kantana can't." She looked around wondering what god or goddess everyone was trying for. "This should be an interesting quest. Which Gid are you interested in becoming?"