Replying to Roxy he said "true but in a head up fight when you don't throw them my katana has the reach and cutting power yours lack as a team they could be an effective combo. I can fight head up and keep them off you while you aim for vital points. As for the god I wish to become that of vindication and justice my katana shall bring light to a world of darkness" as he finished a newcomer cut into the conversation. [quote=Magic Magnum] They seemed to be comparing weapons, definitely the violent sort. Maybe people that Braen would want to avoid... but at the same time violent people might make good allies... and would definitely make effective Gods when dealing with those who don't behave. Hold on, now he was thinking like one of those people who had complete faith in this contest, he was just here to check it out though. None the less though, if he could try to make some friends this may work to his advantage, and if he fails... worst happens is that Braen dies. It's not like he really had much to live for at the moment though anyways.He decided to start it off easy, simply by making a remark to the weapons of the two saying "Those look like good weapons. You two use them often?". [/quote] Looking at the boy Adrian saw no apparent weapons and a not particularly imposing build. His smile and outward demeanor instantly changed to one of darkness. Power and rage could be felt in an almost tangible aura. "If I were a man of peace would I carry a sword? Do you think I walk around with it because it looks cool? Yes, I have used it on many men the majority of whom did not survive." Adrian finished. Suddenly his darkened atmosphere was gone and his cool and happy demeanor was back. "but im guessing youd prefer to clash with your mind than steel." He said to the newcomer. Just then another newcomer wearing the garb of a smith interrupted asking if they could hand him a sign up sheet. His smile shining brightly and his green eyes seemed to glow with anticipation. "Do I look like an attendee? Am I your slave? No to both? then get your own sheet because I don't particularly feel like getting one for you." Adrian said this his left hand still resting on the hilt of his sword.