[quote=drallinix] Replying to Roxy he said "true but in a head up fight when you don't throw them my katana has the reach and cutting power yours lack as a team they could be an effective combo. I can fight head up and keep them off you while you aim for vital points. As for the god I wish to become that of vindication and justice my katana shall bring light to a world of darkness" as he finished a newcomer cut into the conversation. [/quote] Roxy laughed she ignored his question about why she had given the smith the application he requested. She wasn't anyone's servant. But that didn't mean that she was going to be rude. Not useless she felt like it. "Your katana might have reach. But I prefer too attack from a distance. Why get up close when I don't have to?" She asked. "My knives will serve me well on this quest. Besides I can hide my knives when I have to. You can't hide your katana. Which means there will be times you will be without it."