[quote=geminironin] :=:=:Name: Jennifer Williams :=:=:Alias: Delirium, Ophelia :=:=:Age: 16 :=:=:Race: Caucasian :=:=:Gender: Female :=:=:Appearance: Tall and curvaceous, but her attractive appearance is marred by the wild hairstyles and makeup she chooses from day to day. Her eyes shift color randomly as well. She has several scars on her body, and new ones appear at an ever-increasing rate. :=:=:Symbol(s): A river twisted into a knot. :=:=:Alignment: Chaotic, trying to stay Good :=:=:Weapon(s): Knives, ropes, illusions :=:=:Domain: Madness :=:=:Application(s): -Active: Can induce hallucinations or heighten emotions to the point they override reason. -Passive: Anyone around her is affected by her abilities, but to a lesser extent. What appears to her victim as a horrific demon might look to a bystander like someone in a Halloween mask. Likewise with her emotional manipulations. -Drawback: She isn't immune to the bizarre world growing in her mind, and neither are those around her. Jennifer and anyone other than a Wild God who stays close to her will find their mental health decaying, albeit very slowly. :=:=:Followers: The insane, outcasts from society. Nobody in their right mind. [/quote] Reposting for reference.