Shen's claws dug into crumbling concrete and thoroughly rusted metal as he climbed his way up the side of the skyscraper, fast and agile like a large green ape. He could already hear it, the distant hammering of a giant creature's footsteps. Soon the demon would be here, and he would fight it to the death to finally end its reign of slaughter. Whether he killed the beast or died trying, he would be freed from this blood-stained curse... for a time. Upon reaching the top, he spotted the robed man. He figured there might be others around here, some heroes were all too eager to throw their lives away against an abomination like this. "Mage." he grunted as he pulled Usurper from the sheath on his back. The blade sang its violent song of bloodthirst, revelling in the approaching battle, a song only Shen could hear. "I assume we share a common cause. If you don't get in my way, i won't get in yours." He positioned himself at the edge of the building, awaiting the arrival Diabolus.