Faye Watched as her newborn grandchild in the ceremoney smiled down at her, she was so happy a few tears were shed as she watched. fakira reminded her of herself stong and beautiful, Faye was hesinet to have her lead the pride but her father had passed and Fakira found a mate soon after.. He'd lead the pride as well but he would pale in comparisson to fakira's father. Faye was just too old to run the pride otherwise she'd be in charge. She was still so happy that her daughter was queen, maybe now faye could go out on a kill without 2 or three teens following her Elvira was making her way around the Outlands, she left her home and family to find food and maybe a friend or mate, she travled slowly only stopping at a pond getting closer to the pridelands, food flurished over there she wasnt allowed to venture there though. Eh what could possibly go wrong? she ran at full speed into the bright lite area and took a whif and OH she smelled everything from zebra to analope. Soon Elvira stalked in the tall grass watching a young zebra learn how to stand Yummie!!