The room shook, however then the dialing sequence halted and the gate powered down. Miller gave quizzical looks at the rest of the team. Then Chevrons began locking in without anyone near the DHD. "That's incoming." He pressed the button on the side of his radio. "[i]Langford[/i]. We have an incoming wormhole.""Affirmative, friendly dial in. Shield your eyes." Ducked behind cover as Kay signaled for them too, he heard the [i]clink,clink,clinkp[/i] off something leaving the gate. He made sure to look away as he heard the traditional bang that belonged to a flashbang. He moved around the corner, his rifle was hanging loose held by its strap to his vest while he held his Zat in both hands, as did Kay and Morenu as they moved up firing a the Lucian Alliance one by one, using the single shots to make sure to take them out in one. Of course the Jaffa staff weapon took them out more easily, sadly eventually shots began pinging back at them. He saw one pierce Kays leg and her go down, Morenu moved in to cover her and pull her into cover applying bandages and giving him the thumbs up. She was obviously ins hock but she'd live. Two hits in one mission, this wasn't the luckiest mission he had ever taken part in. He looked up to the balcony where the Lucian Alliance were firing from, before ducking back into cover. He checked his vest, one smoke grenade and one frag left. Though when he peaked his head out he saw the fatal flaw of several of the Alliance members. He fired at the railing, the current taken along and entering their body. He hated to use two shots however he fired a second one to be sure that they were down and going to stay down.He pointed towards the gate podium as Ay'mara looked at him, him now being the senior officer as he indicated for Morenu to stay. They both moved up, taking turns to cover. Ay'mara more effective with her staff weapon than he was with his zat however it was still quicker to use than his rifle that one hit might not necessarily take someone down.As they approached the podium he heard the sound of people leaving the gate, and the obvious call for retreat as the Lucian Alliance forces pulled back from the gate room that was now being over run. What he didn't expect however was the shout "Bomb! We got a bomb here." He ran up the ramp to see Jonas Quinn, who he had seen in reports, lying flat on his stomach, under which was a bomb. Morenu would have no experience with such things, he sure as hell didn't. He looked around for a piece of computer equipment, before smashing it hoping that had been whatever was preventing the Asgard Sensors from getting a lock on the building. "[i]Langford[/i] this is Miller. Building is secure. Lieutenant Kay is wounded and need of medical attention and we have a Naquadria bomb attached to Jonas Quinn-" At this moment Jonas seemed to regain the ability to speak. "Just beam me into space." Miller ignored him, this man had saved the Earth and wasn't even an inhabitant for gods sake. Not to mention the role he played in the downfall of Anubis. "-Request someone with the necessary expertise to defuse a Naquadria bomb be sent down while myself and the Marines sent from the Alpha site clear the facility." --- The F-302 screeched on a low pass over the gate building, Rea'c could only assume that it had shook. Ignoring the warning alarms he pulled up however as he did he cut the engines, the Glider flew underneath, pulling up but overshooting as he kicked in the afterburner pulling up onto its tail. The HUD beeped as the guns had a fixed lock, he moved his thumb on the joystick, pressing down to fire, three seconds, release. Three seconds, release. The second strafe caught the wing and tore it off as the Glider, he watched as plasma shots came past the cockpit. He swore under his breath, the other glider had pulled onto his tail when he had maneuvered. He should have expected that, however he was not entirely sure why he was in the craft anyway. However he didn't need to worry about it long as a missile launched from his partner F-302 and broke the other Glider into a million small pieces in a fiery explosion. He was about ready to report in when he saw an Al'kesh appear.... --- Dey spoke over the ships communication systems. "Ready." He activated the rings, knowing that the cloak would deactivate as he did so. Several seconds later they brought someone up into the main hold, wearing a Tauri uniform. Diving to the side he drew his Zat and fired once and watched as the man fell. He simply went on the radio. "Get us out of here Dey." He heard the Al'kesh kick into motion as the engines droned. --- Rea'c made to follow, he had used his missiles however if he got within range he could use his railguns, before he did so the ship cloaked itself. However he knew to look for one thing. "[i]Langford[/i]. An Al'kesh is attempting to flee, I recommend you begin scanning for atmospheric anomalies and target it before it can enter Hyperspace.