As she made her way through the forest she couldnt help but wonder if it was indeed wise of her not to approach the stranger and perhaps ask for help. was she actually foolish enough to think she could really make this journey alone? she thought, tiny bits of perspiration now visible on her forehead. 'Alas! what other choice do I have?' she wondered aloud, trying to smile resignedly yet somehow all she could managed was a grimace. She had gone without a proper meal for weeks; and the constant fear that weighed down upon her shoulders was slowing transforming her youth and beauty into something twisted and old.-something she did not wish to explore or ponder over for fear of losing her grip on sanity. In a rush to get away from the stranger she had not truly paid enough attention as to which direction she was heading off to, but he seemed to have arrived at a rather secluded part of the forest. Nevertheless, it was not trudging through the dark forest nor the eerie silence that surrounded her that agitated her so greatly but the fear of being burnt into a crisp or slaughtered like a poor animal at the hands of the people she used to think of as friends and allies. She could feel weariness creeping up her spine and engulfing her entire body, but she was the Phantom, the wanted witch murderer, the abductor of little children and dreams of relaxing or having a good night's sleep was all but forbidden for her. As weariness took over, she slowly collapsed under a huge tree; its branches forming a canopy overhead blocking what little sunlight that tried to sneak through; slowly she reached into her pocket and brought out a battered piece of rag which was in fact a map of the entire forest. no matter what she had to make her way towards the cave, for it was the only lead she had at the moment. there were a few villages nearby but as luck would have it she had managed to only increase the distance between herself and the destination.